Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED560156 Evaluation of the Teacher Incentive Fund : Implementation and Impacts of Pay-for-Performance after Two Years. Executive Summary. NCEE 2015-4021 / 1
ED560157 College Costs and Prices : Some Key Facts for Policymakers. Lumina Issue Papers / 1
ED560160 Childhood Fitness and Academic Performance : An Investigation into the Effect of Aerobic Capacity on Academic Test Scores / 1
ED560161 Early Years Education : Are Young Students Intrinsically or Extrinsically Motivated Towards School Activities? : A Discussion about the Effects of Rewards on Young Children's Learning / 1
ED560200 Texas Public School Attrition Study, 2013-14. IDRA Report / 1
ED560263 Cognitive Predictors of Calculations and Number Line Estimation with Whole Numbers and Fractions among At-Risk Students / 1
ED560546 Dynamic User Modeling within a Game-Based ITS / 1
ED560600 Data Inquiry for School Improvement : Root Cause Analysis. Q&A with Roni Silverstein. REL Mid-Atlantic Webinar / 1
ED560654 Oxfordshire Reading Campaign Final Evaluation Report : September 2012-2014 / 1
ED560658 Premier League Reading STARS 2013 : 14. Evaluation Report / 1
ED560660 Transforming Writing. Final Evaluation Report / 1
ED560665 Children's Early Literacy Practices at Home and in Early Years Settings : Second Annual Survey of Parents and Practitioners / 1
ED560666 The Reading Lives of 8 to 11-Year-Olds 2005-2013 : An Evidence Paper for the Read On. Get On. Coalition / 1
ED560670 Availability and Use of Instructional Materials in the Teaching of Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Primary Schools in Nandi North District, Kenya / 1
ED560673 Screen Twice, Cut Once : Assessing the Predictive Validity of Teacher Selection Tools. Working Paper 120 / 1
ED560674 Guitar as the Preferred Musical Instrument 1
ED560675 A Program Based on English Digital Stories to Develop the Writing Performance and Reflective Thinking of Preparatory School Pupils / 1
ED560676 Review on "BBS Are Our Kids Tough Enough : Chinese Schools" Based on History, Literature and Personal Experience / 1
ED560677 Ghanaian Teacher Trainees' Conceptual Understanding of Stoichiometry / 1
ED560678 Accountability Pressure and Non-Achievement Student Behaviors. Working Paper 122 / 1