Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED469479 Social Comparison and Peer Effects at an Elite College. Discussion Paper 1
ED469480 Investing in Success Access to Higher Education. Report to the Governor and 2001 Legislature. 1
ED469481 Different Perspectives on Information about Educational Quality Implications for the Role of Accreditation. CHEA Occasional Paper / 1
ED469482 Accreditation and Student Learning Outcomes A Proposed Point of Departure. CHEA Occasional Paper / 1
ED469483 Quality Review, 2001. CHEA Almanac of External Quality Review 1
ED469484 Creating a University System for the 21st Century. 2001-2002 Student Charges A Regional and National Comparison. 1
ED469485 A Report on the National Survey of Student Engagement. Research Brief 1
ED469486 International Quality Review and Accreditation The Role of U.S. Recognized Accrediting Organizations. CHEA Letter from the President. 1
ED469487 "The Illinois Commitment" Goal 5 Requirement Assessment of Student Learning and Improving Program Quality. Putting Students First: Assessing the Mastery of Student Learning. 1
ED469488 The Equity Survey 1
ED469489 Faculty Time. Academic Excellence A Study of the Role of Research in the Natural Sciences at Undergraduate Institutions. Special Report / 1
ED469490 Zipf's Law Revealed at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions Million Dollar and Thirty-Publication Faculty. Academic Excellence: A Study of the Role of Research in the Natural Sciences at Undergraduate Institutions. Special Report / 1
ED469491 The Environment for Scientific Research by Undergraduates Some Thoughts on Reading the "Academic Excellence" Study. Academic Excellence: A Study of the Role of Research in the Natural Sciences at Undergraduate Institutions. Special Report / 1
ED469492 Determining Publication Productivity and Grant Activity among Science Faculty at Surveyed Institutions. Academic Excellence A Study of the Role of Research in the Natural Sciences at Undergraduate Institutions. Special Report. 1
ED469493 The Tyranny of Small Numbers. Academic Excellence A Study of the Role of Research in the Natural Sciences at Undergraduate Institutions. Special Report / 1
ED469494 More Students Are Now Prepared for College but Gains in Other Areas Are Slight. "Measuring Up 2002" Grades States on Higher Education Performance 1
ED469495 The Early Careers of Physics Bachelors. AIP Report 1
ED469496 The Smart Approach to Student Loans and Consumer Debt 1
ED469497 Findings & Trends, Fall 1990 Fall 2000. AASCU/NASULGC Enrollment Report. 1
ED469498 Addendum to the Handbook of Accreditation. Second Edition 1