Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED458893 Community College Model Characteristics 1
ED458894 eTech College of Wisconsin Plan 1
ED458895 An Analysis of Functional Budget and Expenditure Patterns and Revenue Sources of Tennessee's Public Community Colleges from 1988-89 through 1997-98 1
ED458896 Florida Community College System 2001 Substantive Legislative Issue Papers 1
ED458897 Competing Goals, Competing Discourses ESL Composition at the Community College / 1
ED458898 The Five Week Class of the University of Phoenix Corporate Model Can Be Utilized by Community Colleges 1
ED458899 Organizational Support for Innovation Perspectives of Community College Faculty / 1
ED458900 Truckee Meadows Community College Faculty & Staff Climate Survey, Fall 2000 1
ED458901 The Cognitive Impact of a Computer Algebra System on Intermediate Algebra Students at the Community College Level 1
ED458902 University and Community College Systems of Nevada Report on Articulation and Transfer 1
ED458903 Prior Learning Assessment An Investigation of Nonsponsored Learning for College Credits / 1
ED458904 Follow-Up of North Carolina Community College Cooperative Education Graduates Additional Education and Salary Gains / 1
ED458905 NVCC Students in Developmental and ESL Courses Fall 1995 to Fall 1999. Research Report. Developmental Studies Series. 1
ED458906 A Quantitative Longitudinal Analysis of North Harris Montgomery Community College District's Developmental Studies Program as a Model for Developmental Studies Program Evaluation 1
ED458907 Glendale Community College College Services Annual Report, 2000-2001. 1
ED458908 Lane Community College Student Follow-Up Study, Spring 2001. 1999-2000 Students One Year Later / 1
ED458909 Non-Returning Developmental English Students at NVCC, Fall 2000. Research Report 1
ED458910 Florida Community College System Governance Survey. Data Trend 1
ED458911 Predicting Student Retention and Academic Achievement in Western United States Associate Degree in Nursing Programs 1
ED458912 Needs Assessment of the Healthcare Sector in the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Area. Research Report. Business Needs Assessment Study 1