Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED455957 Parental Engagement in Home Visiting Programs Findings from the Parents as Teachers Multisite Evaluation / 1
ED455958 Experiences and Outcomes for Children and Families Multisite Parents as Teachers Evaluation / 1
ED455959 Involvement of TANF Applicants with Child Protective Services. Discussion Paper 1
ED455960 Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in the United States of America. OECD Country Note 1
ED455961 Improving Student Motivation through the Use of Active Learning Strategies 1
ED455962 Increasing Student Motivation through the Use of Instructional Strategies 1
ED455963 Middle School Students' Participation in and Identification with School 1
ED455965 Lo que necesita saber para que su hijo tenga exito en la escuela 1
ED455966 The Association between Maternal Employment and Young Adults' Subsequent Relationships with Their Parents 1
ED455967 Ten Tips for Getting and Keeping Business Involved An Illustrated Guide for Early Childhood Leaders / 1
ED455968 How Parents Explain Academic Failure 1
ED455969 MEDICAID Stronger Efforts Needed To Ensure Children's Access to Health Screening Services. Report to Congressional Requesters / 1
ED455970 Planning Your Professional Growth Creating an Individualized Professional Development Plan for Early Care and Education. 1
ED455971 The Economic Impact of Welfare Reform on Arkansas Families. Special Report 1
ED455972 Working with Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Families 1
ED455973 Perspectives on Charter Schools A Review for Parents / 1
ED455974 Evaluando la competencia social en los ninos (Assessing Young Children's Social Competence) 1
ED455975 Focus on After-School Time for Violence Prevention 1
ED455976 El regreso a la escuela, Sigamos adelante Lo que significa para las familias americanas "No dejar atras a ningun nino" 1
ED455977 Colonias Problems and Promise. Desperate Situations, Local Innovations = Colonias: Problemas y Promesa. Situaciones Dificiles, Innovaciones Locales. 1