Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED443731 The Use of Multimedia in Engineering Education An Experience / 1
ED443732 The IEEC Combining Research, Education and Economic Development / 1
ED443733 Science Anxiety as a Function of Personality, Gender Roles, Experience with Science 1
ED443734 The Effects of Cognitive Conflict on Students' Conceptual Change in Physics 1
ED443738 The Story of Foreign Trade and Exchange 1
ED443739 A Practical Inquiry Influencing Preservice Teachers' Beliefs toward Diversity and Democracy / 1
ED443742 Focusing on Citizenship Training in the Social Studies 1
ED443743 Japanese and United States Schooling A Comparative Perspective / 1
ED443744 Dialogue of Cultures The Israeli Experience / 1
ED443746 The Bible and Public Schools A First Amendment Guide. 1
ED443748 The Study Commission on the Rain Forest. 9th Grade Lesson. Schools of California Online Resources for Education (SCORE) Connecting California's Classrooms to the World / 1
ED443749 Civil Society and Sustainable Communities Curriculum 1
ED443750 Society for Music Teacher Education Professional Literature Project 1
ED443751 Landmines : The Hidden Crisis. For Upper Elementary Grades / 1
ED443753 Landmines The Hidden Crisis. For Grades 9-12 / 1
ED443754 Make Music America 2000. Celebrate! Music in Our Schools Month 1
ED443755 The Decalogue Bible Scholarship for Use Today / 1
ED443756 Morocco and Senegal Faces of Islam in Africa. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminars Abroad, 1999 (Morocco and Senegal) 1
ED443757 Why and How Should History Departments Prepare Secondary Social Studies Teachers? Occasional Paper / 1
ED443758 State of Oklahoma v. Tracy Smith. 1999-2000 Oklahoma High School Mock Trial Program 1