Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED385097 Family Caregiving for Children with a Serious Emotional Disability. Phase One Technical Report 1
ED385098 Taking Charge A Handbook for Parents Whose Children Have Emotional Disorders. 3rd Edition / 1
ED385099 Family Involvement in Policy Making A Final Report on the Families in Action Project / 1
ED385100 The DRIVING FORCE The Influence of Statewide Family Networks on Family Support and Systems of Care. Statewide Family Advocacy Organization Demonstration Project, 10/90 - 9/93 Final Report / 1
ED385101 Collaboration in Interprofessional Practice and Training An Annotated Bibliography / 1
ED385102 Parents as Policy-Makers A Handbook for Effective Participation / 1
ED385103 Family Professional Collaboration: The Perspective of Those Who Have Tried / 1
ED385104 Statewide Systems Change in Arizona, July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1995. Final Report 1
ED385105 A Phonological Study of Voiceless Alveolar and Velar Stops in Down's Syndrome 1
ED385106 Facilitating the Use of Assistive Technology by Special Education Students with Limited English Proficiency. Final Report 1
ED385107 Case Studies of State-Wide Special Education Management Systems 1
ED385108 A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study of 284 Adults Classified as Learning Disabled When They Were Second Graders. Final Report 1
ED385109 A Descriptive Study of Play by Deaf and Hearing Infants. Final Report 1
ED385110 A Video Technology Program Containing a Complete System of Tactile Communications for Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind. A Tactile Signing Project Tactile Interactive Signing and Primitive Signaling (Project TIPS). A Final Narrative Report. 1
ED385111 Technology Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped Program. Final Report. 1
ED385112 Development of a Program To Target Successful Teaching Techniques for Increasing Auditory and Visual Responses in Severely Profoundly Mentally Handicapped Students 1
ED385113 Developing a Program To Improve Toileting Skills of Prekindergarten Handicapped Students in a Suburban Elementary School 1
ED385114 [Adaptation of Instructional Materials for Use with Mainstreamed Students.] Final Report 1
ED385115 Extant Data Base Project. "Factors Related to Excellence in Special Education Using a Validated IEP System as an Outcome Measure." Final Report, 1986-88 1
ED385116 The Development and Validation of a Special Education Intelligent Administration Support Program. Final Report 1