Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED376298 Validated Competency Task Lists for General Merchandise Retailing, Food Service Management, and Business and Personal Services Marketing 1
ED376299 Curriculum Developed through Project 05-485-150-613: Services to the Disadvantaged Curriculum Development FY 1992-93. 1
ED376300 Tools for Tomorrow Women in the Trades. Trainer's Guide. 1
ED376301 Integrated Technical Curriculum. Curriculum Developed for Project Second Chance II Tech Reading, Tech Science, Tech Math, Automotive / 1
ED376302 Southeast Asian Career Exploration Program 1
ED376303 Career Map Development Guide 1
ED376304 Career Planning Curriculum for Teen Single Parents 1
ED376305 Access Special Instructional Support Services. A Faculty Handbook. 1
ED376306 Small Engine Manufacturing in Wisconsin Work Reorganization and Training Needs. 1
ED376308 Process Product Evaluation (Summative): Westport Business Technology Magnet High School. 1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993 / 1
ED376309 Building Their Future II High School Girls in Technology Education in Connecticut / 1
ED376310 Federal Workplace Literacy Project. Internal Evaluation Report 1
ED376311 Games Why & How Trainers Play Them / 1
ED376312 The Simultaneous Model of Education and Training. Adult Basic Education and Vocational Skills Training. A Replication Manual 1
ED376313 Local Accountability Systems Addressing Perkins Mandates for Special Populations / 1
ED376314 Women Workers Trends & Issues, 1993 Handbook. 1
ED376315 Work and Family Resource Kit 1
ED376316 Working Women Count! A Report to the Nation 1
ED376317 A Model for Developing Business-Education Partnerships for Tech Prep Programs 1
ED376318 Assessing the Value of Social-Cognitive Constructs in Career Development 1