Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED364658 Dairy Farm Worker Training at Tompkins Cortland Community College 1989-1990 1
ED364659 PSI Model Curriculum for Office Careers 1
ED364660 Delivering Small Group Literacy A Model / 1
ED364661 Challenge of the Older Adult Learners Facts and Tips for Educators / 1
ED364662 The Turkish Adult Education System 1
ED364663 Linking Work-Family Issues to the Bottom Line. Report Number 962 1
ED364664 Strategies for Promoting a Work-Family Agenda. Report Number 973 1
ED364665 The Emerging Role of the Work-Family Manager. Report Number 987 1
ED364666 In Diversity Is Strength Capitalizing on the New Work Force. 75th Anniversary Symposia Series. Report Number 994 / 1
ED364667 Basic Skills for Job Performance Private Industry Councils and Workplace Literacy. 1
ED364668 Higher Vocational Education in the Netherlands A Survey of the Current Situation in Higher Commercial Education / 1
ED364669 The Didactics of Open Education Background, Analysis and Approaches / 1
ED364670 Functions and Effects of Support in Open Learning Systems Outlining Current Empirical Findings / 1
ED364671 Learning Objectives for Practicals in Institutes of Higher Education in the Netherlands A Descriptive Study / 1
ED364672 Comparing Knowledge Profiles of Students Studying at a Distance University and a Regular University Is Studying at a Different University Reflected in Differences in the Prior Knowledge State? / 1
ED364679 Journal of Consumer Education, 1983-1992 1
ED364682 Criteria for Hiring First Time Teachers, with an Emphasis on Technology Education. Final Report 1
ED364683 The Experience of Childbearing Women in the Workplace The Impact of Family-Friendly Policies and Practices. Final Report / 1
ED364684 Midlife Women Speak Out Assessing Job Training and The Status of Working Women: A Statistical Profile of Midlife Women Aged 35-54. 1
ED364685 Training Materials in Aging. An Annotated International Bibliography 1