Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED350081 Promoting Change in State Policy Decisionmaking on Quality Infant Toddler Child Care and Head Start Services: Study on a Technical Assistance Forum / 1
ED350082 Effect of Home Versus Day Care Environment on the Receptive and Expressive Language Development of Four-Year-Olds 1
ED350083 School Readiness The Contribution of Formal Early Education and Care Programs. Draft / 1
ED350084 The Crisis in Foster Care New Directions for the 1990s / 1
ED350085 Carnegie Corporation of New York Grants and Appropriations 1991. 1
ED350086 A Different Kind of Classroom Teaching with Dimensions of Learning / 1
ED350087 Enhancing Journal Writing Skills in a Second Grade Classroom through Teacher Conferencing and Student Self-Evaluation 1
ED350088 Increasing Literacy Development of At-Risk Kindergarten Students through Cross-Age Tutoring 1
ED350089 Sixth Grade Students' Opinions and Perceptions of Team Teaching Addressing the Criticisms / 1
ED350090 Maternal Object and Action References in Response to Infant Gestures and Other Attention-Indicating Actions 1
ED350091 Reengaging Families in the Education of Young Adolescents 1
ED350092 Integrating Montessori and Whole Language Philosophies Methods of Reading in English as a Second Language Classrooms / 1
ED350093 Social Networks in Childhood and Early Adolescence Structure and Function / 1
ED350094 ECEAP 1991 Longitudinal Study and Annual Report 1
ED350095 The Journey to a Desirable Future for Colorado's Young Children and Their Families. Second Annual Report. A Report of the Colorado Interagency Coordinating Council to the People of Colorado 1
ED350096 Kids Can't Wait Action for Minnesota's Children. A Report to the Governor and People of Minnesota from the Action for Children Commission. 1
ED350097 Restructuring a Kindergarten Classroom To Include More Developmentally Appropriate Activities 1
ED350098 Social Studies for Preschool Children through Cognitive Intervention of the Acquisition of Sex-Role Stereotypes 1
ED350099 Early Childhood Family Education Implementing the Minnesota Model = Education de la premiere enfance: Mise en oeuvre de modele Minnesota = La educacion de la familia y la ninez: Poner en practica el modelo de Minnesota / 1
ED350100 Infants' and Mothers' Offers and Requests The Effects of Physical Context and Infant Walking / 1