Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED336106 Electronic Library Services Choosing the Library Future / 1
ED336107 Resource Sharing for Better Service The Northland Pioneer College/Mogollon High School Experiment / 1
ED336108 The CSUS HyperCard Library Directory 1
ED336109 Computer Files and the Research Library 1
ED336110 Information Desk Assistants' Manual 1
ED336111 A Position Paper on the Primary Competencies of School Library Media Specialists in Illinois 1
ED336112 Indexers' Manual for the Oregon Index 1
ED336113 Electronic Mentoring of Research 1
ED336114 A Tutorial on Using ERIC On Disc. Educational Resources Information Center CD-ROM Database 1
ED336115 The Production and Bibliographic Control of Latin American Preservation Microforms in the United States 1
ED336116 Resolutions of the Texas Conference on Libraries and Information Services (Austin, Texas, January 4-5, 1991) 1
ED336117 Texas Academic Library Statistics, 1990 1
ED336118 Texas Academic Library Statistics 1988 Replacement. 1
ED336119 A Basic Reference Collection for School Library Media Centers 1
ED336120 Information at Risk Michigan Libraries in the 1990's. 1
ED336121 From Microfilm to Digital Imagery 1
ED336122 Holding Down Costs at Academic Research Libraries A Consortial Approach. Final Report Submitted to the U.S. Department of Education / 1
ED336123 Service Excellence Task Force Report 1
ED336124 Preserving the Literary Heritage The Final Report of the Scholarly Advisory Committee on Modern Language and Literature of the Commission on Preservation and Access / 1
ED336125 State Library Agencies and Member Libraries of the Association of Research Libraries. Final Report of Two Surveys 1