Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED328894 Kids Helping Kids Readathon, Grade 7 1
ED328895 Kids Helping Kids Readathon, Grade 8 1
ED328896 The Use of Study Guides with and without Analogies in Directing Learning from Texts 1
ED328897 Teaching Metacognitive Strategies to First Graders 1
ED328898 The Importance of Neurological and Cognitive Research for Reading Instruction 1
ED328899 The Role of Phonics in the Teaching of Reading A Position Paper Prepared for the Secretary of Education / 1
ED328900 Modern Phonics Instruction 1
ED328901 A Cooperative Learning Approach to Elementary Reading and Writing Instruction Long-Term Effects. Report No. 42 / 1
ED328902 The Effects of Cooperative Learning and Direct Instruction in Reading Comprehension Strategies on Main Idea Identification. Report No. 44 1
ED328903 Effects of Prediction Combined with Story Composing versus Listing Predictions as Prereading Activities on Subsequent Story Comprehension 1
ED328904 Effects of Training Ninth-Grade Students in the Two Methods of Self-Questioning Why Train Students to Self-Question When They Can Simply Reread? / 1
ED328905 Facilitating Student Achievement : Focusing on Promising and Exemplary Programs in Reading; Writing; Thinking; Partnerships; Technology / 1
ED328906 Keeping Up on Student Achievement...Volume 1 Fall, 1988 1
ED328907 Cross Cultural Cross Linguistic and Native English Speakers' Generated Stories: A Study in Contrast / 1
ED328908 Assessment All Tests Are Not Created Equally / 1
ED328909 Journal of a Living Experiment A Documentary History of the First Ten Years of Teachers and Writers Collaborative / 1
ED328910 Safety, Risk, and Recovery Women and Men as Parents in Contemporary American Fiction. Working Paper No. 179 / 1
ED328911 Writing in a Computer-Saturated Classroom 1
ED328912 The Link between Mobilizing Information and Service Journalism as Applied to Women's Magazine Coverage of Eating Disorders. SCILS Research Report No. 90-21 1
ED328913 Does Freedom or Do Monopolies Better Foster Expression The Problem of Pre-Publication Rights of Authors / 1