Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED319487 Family and Friend Relationships of Only Children A Study of Adult Population in China / 1
ED319488 Chapter 1 in Ohio Elementary and Secondary Education Act. 24th Annual Evaluation Report, Fiscal 1989. 1
ED319489 Family Policy on the Community Level 1
ED319490 Project SOLID START 1
ED319491 Hearing on H.R. 3, Early Childhood Education and Development Act. Hearing before the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives. One Hundred First Congress, Second Session (San Francisco, California, January 19, 1990) 1
ED319492 Homework as a Learning Experience. What Research Says to the Teacher. Third Edition 1
ED319493 Five Position Statements of the Southern Association on Children Under 6 (SACUS) (1) Employer Sponsored Child Care; (2) Developmentally Appropriate Assessment; (3) Continuity of Learning for Four-to-Seven-Year-old Children; (4) Quality Child Care; (5) Multicultural Education. 1
ED319494 An Alternative Model of Childcare The Experience of the National Trades Union Congress of Singapore / 1
ED319495 A Comparison of Mothers' and Children's Reports of Life Stress in the Children's Lives 1
ED319496 Conflict and Attachment The Experience of Disorganized/Controlling Children / 1
ED319497 Critical Thinking Toward Intellectual Accountability and Social Responsibility. A Research Project on Critical Thinking, Cooperative Learning and Moral Development / 1
ED319498 Comparison of American and African Students on Who Is Admired and Why 1
ED319500 Head Start The Nation's Pride, A Nation's Challenge. Recommendations for Head Start in the 1990's. The Report of the Silver Ribbon Panel. 1
ED319501 Twenty-five Voices Celebrating Twenty-five Years 1
ED319502 Dissemination of the Project's Findings 8th National Seminar (Lisbon, Portugal, September 28-29, 1988). The CDCC's Project No. 8: "Innovation in Primary Education." / 1
ED319503 Symposium on "Experiences of Innovation in Primary Education in the Netherlands" (Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, October 24-28, 1988). The CDCC's Project No. 8 "Innovation in Primary Education." / 1
ED319504 A Study of Children's Computer-Generated Graphics 1
ED319505 Through the Eyes of Children A Comparative Study of Children's Perceptions of Parental Roles According to Three Types of Family Structures / 1
ED319506 The Value of Ideas The Immersion Approach to the Development of Thinking. Elementary Subjects Center Series No. 20 / 1
ED319507 The Child Care Council of Westchester's "Hope for the Homeless." 1