Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED317020 A Resource Directory for Individuals with Autism in New Jersey. Autism Outreach Project 1
ED317021 North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Academically Gifted Study. A Study To Provide Information Concerning the Most Effective Means of Furthering the Education of Academically Gifted Students 1
ED317022 Handicapped Student Service Programs in Postsecondary Education It Doesn't Cost, It Pays! Proceedings of the National Conference (5th, Columbus, Ohio, July 12-15, 1982) / 1
ED317023 Bulletin bibliographique sur la didactique des langues (Bibliographic Bulletin on Language Teaching). Publication J-1 1
ED317024 Aboriginal Language Use in the Northern Territory 5 Reports. Work Papers of SIL-AAIB, Series B, Volume 13 / 1
ED317025 Le Syntagme terminologique Bibliographie selective et analytique 1960-1988 (Terminological Syntagma: Selective and Analytical Bibliography 1960-1988). Publication K-7 / 1
ED317026 Le Logiciel Lemmatiseur Guide d'utilisation (The Lemmatiseur Software Program: User Manual). Publication K-1 / 1
ED317027 Bulletin bibliographique sur l'E.A.O. (l'enseignement assiste par ordinateur) (Bibliographic Bulletin on Computer Assisted Instruction). Publication K-4 1
ED317028 Origine et developpement des industries de la langue (Origin and Development of Language Utilities). Publication K-8 1
ED317029 Une Analyse automatique en syntaxe textuelle (An Automated Analysis of Textual Syntax). Publication K-5 1
ED317030 La Terminologie de la telematique modes de formation des unites neonymiques et des unites lexicalisees, et analyse des difficultes d'ordre notionnel (synonymie et homonymie) (The Terminology of Videotex: The Methods of Formation of Neonyms and Lexicalized Units, and Analysis of Notional Difficulties-Synonyms and Homonymns). Publication K-6 / 1
ED317031 A Comparison of FLES and Immersion Programs. Final Report / 1
ED317032 Curriculum Design Development in Effective School Districts, A Case Study from Southern California 1
ED317033 Framework for Languages 1
ED317034 Bibliography of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Australian Aborigines and Islanders Branch. Up to December 1988 1
ED317035 The Uses and Limitations of Aptitude Testing in the Language Training Program of the Public Service Commission of Canada 1
ED317036 Simulated Oral Proficiency Interviews 1
ED317037 Bibliography of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, Philippines 1953-1988 1
ED317038 The Frame Game A Flexible Conversation Activity / 1
ED317039 Telecommunications in Foreign Language Education A Resource List / 1