Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED297757 Managing Alaska's Information Systems A Participant-Observer Study / 1
ED297758 Minimum Library Use Skills Survey 1
ED297759 Public Library Service for Older Adults Update 1986. Final Report / 1
ED297760 Summer Splash. 1988 Wisconsin Summer Library Program Manual. Bulletin No. 8230 1
ED297761 TDFs and Trade The U.S.-Canada Free-Trade Agreement from a Transborder Data Flow Perspective / 1
ED297762 When Can You Weed an Unused Book? 1
ED297763 Alabama Public Library Service, 1987 Annual Report 1
ED297764 Attracting Students and Teachers to the Library Media Center 1
ED297765 Factors Shaping the Evolution of Electronic Documentation Systems. Research Activity No. IM.4 1
ED297766 Library Programs Library Literacy Program. Analysis of Funded Projects, 1987. LSCA VI. 1
ED297767 Library Programs Library Services for Indian Tribes and Hawaiian Natives Program. Abstracts of Funded Projects, 1987. LSCA Title IV. 1
ED297768 Automated Resource Sharing in Massachusetts Activities, Functions and Policies Supporting the Long Range Program. Approved by the Board of Library Commissioners. 1
ED297769 Disaster Planning Preparedness and Recovery for Libraries and Archives: A RAMP Study with Guidelines / 1
ED297770 New Trends in Electronic Publishing and Electronic Libraries. Publications of Essen University Library 6. Essen Symposium (Essen, West Germany, August 29-31, 1983) 1
ED297771 Impact of Information Technology on International Library Cooperation. Publications of Essen University Library 9. Essen Symposium (Essen, West Germany, September 8-11, 1986) 1
ED297772 Library Publications Programs. SPEC Kit 145 1
ED297773 Library Development and Fund Raising Capabilities. SPEC Kit 146 1
ED297774 Literature of Allied Health. Second Edition 1
ED297775 Manual for Item Writers. Certification and Registration 1
ED297776 OCLC Utilization in Health Sciences Libraries. CE 35, Revised Edition 1