Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED291581 Toy-Playing Behavior, Sex-Role Orientation, Spatial Ability, and Science Achievement of Fifth Grade Students Are They Related? / 1
ED291582 A Procedure for Determining the Level of Abstraction of Science Reading Material 1
ED291583 Student Knowledge of Health and Fitness Concepts and Its Relation to Locus of Control 1
ED291584 Enriching Elementary Science Instruction through Joint Training of In-Service Teachers, Principals, and Instructional Supervisors 1
ED291585 City Safaris. A Sierra Club Explorer's Guide to Urban Adventures for Grownups and Kids 1
ED291586 The Relationships among Elementary School Teachers' Attitudes and Beliefs about Science and Their Teaching Style 1
ED291587 High School Students as Collaborators in the Development of a Science Curriculum 1
ED291588 Integrating Process Skills Instruction into the Traditional Science Curriculum 1
ED291589 The Uses of Calculators and Computers in Mathematics Classes in Twenty Countries Summary Report. Second International Mathematics Study / 1
ED291590 The Use of Calculators and Computers in Mathematics Classes in Twenty Countries : A Source Document. Second International Mathematics Study / 1
ED291591 A Cross-Cultural Study of Attitude toward Science and Related Influential Factors 1
ED291592 A Study of the Relationship between Cognitive Styles and Integrated Science Process Skills 1
ED291593 Extending the Curriculum of Zoomobiles 1
ED291594 Mainstreaming Computers in Science and Mathematics Education A Two Year Study / 1
ED291595 Weight, Density and Matter A Study of Elementary Children's Reasoning about Density with Concrete Materials and Computer Analogs. Technical Report 85-15 / 1
ED291596 The Differentiation of Heat and Temperature : An Evaluation of the Effect of Microcomputer Teaching on Students' Misconceptions. Technical Report 87-5 / 1
ED291597 Facilitating Collegial Exchange among Science Teachers An Experiment in Computer-Based Conferencing. Technical Report 86-14 / 1
ED291598 Teaching for Conceptual Change Using a Computer-Based Modeling Approach : The Case of Weight/Density Differentiation. Technical Report 87-11 / 1
ED291599 Promoting 6th Graders' Understanding of Density A Computer Modeling Approach. Technical Report 86-5 / 1
ED291600 A Model Program in Science, Mathematics, and Technology. Final Report TP87-9 1