Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED290590 The Rural Crisis Comes to School Teacher Handout for Videotape / 1
ED290591 No Student Is a Stranger in New York State Schools 1
ED290592 The Timing of Family Formation Rural-Urban Differentials in First Intercourse, Pregnancy, and Marriage / 1
ED290593 An Annotated Bibliography Related to Establishing a Gifted and Talented Program at the Secondary Level with Concentration on Small, Rural Schools 1
ED290594 Young People Take the Lead Cherokee Nation's Approach to Leadership / 1
ED290595 Indian Youth Leadership Development Program 1
ED290596 Longitudinal Evaluation of the Indian Youth Leadership Conferences for the Years 1983-1987 1
ED290597 Conceptualization and Measurement of Health Status for Migrant Farmworkers 1
ED290598 Experiential Education in High School Life in the Walkabout Program / 1
ED290599 Education in Norway House 1
ED290600 State Rural Policy Initiatives Their Time Has Come / 1
ED290601 A Note on the Increase of Female Farmers in the United States and New Zealand 1
ED290602 Nonmetropolitan Population Deconcentration in the 1980s. CDE Working Paper 87-34 1
ED290603 Fundamentals of Mathematics, Part 1. Preparing Students for the RCT. Experimental Edition. Revised 1
ED290604 Fundamentals of Mathematics, Part 1. Extended Time Frame. Experimental Edition 1
ED290605 Fundamentals of Mathematics, Part II. Preparing Students for the RCT. Experimental Edition 1
ED290606 The Relationship between Curriculum and Instruction and Problem Solving in Middle Junior High School Science. ERIC/SMEAC Information Bulletin No. 1, 1987 / 1
ED290607 Science, Technology and the Reorganization of New Zealand Education 1
ED290608 The Competencies of Pre-Service Egyptian Biology Teachers in Identifying and Correcting Misconceptions about Photosynthesis in a Written Answer An Evaluative and Correlational Study / 1
ED290609 The Determination of Transfer of Learning from an Introductory Course to an Advanced Course in the Department of Biological Sciences at New York City Technical College 1