Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED244199 The Effects of Relaxation Training Using Wrist Temperature as Biofeedback in an Educational Setting 1
ED244200 Problems Bringing Commuters, Dormitory Residents, and Students from Different Classes to Counseling 1
ED244201 Summer Camp as Therapeutic Context The Camp Logan Program / 1
ED244202 Aging and Mental Health Certificate Program. Final Report 1979-1983 1
ED244203 Social Psychology and Gender A New Direction through Feminist Theory / 1
ED244204 Photoanalysis A Tool for Social Scientists / 1
ED244205 Scriptotherapy A Technique for Conflict Resolution / 1
ED244206 Expressive Group Psychotherapy with the Older Adult 1
ED244207 Measuring Registered Nurses' Changes in Knowledge about Aging 1
ED244208 Counselor Supply, Demand, and Employment Experience. A Regional Study 1
ED244209 Economic Change and Differential Service Modality Utilization in Urban Community Mental Health Centers 1
ED244210 Effects of Eating on Depressed Moods 1
ED244211 Self-Management versus Formal Treatment in Efforts at Weight Control 1
ED244212 Values, Stress and Coping in Middle Age 1
ED244213 Rural Mental Health in North Carolina Social Work Practice and Ethnocultural Issues. Conference Proceedings (Chapel Hill, North Carolina, May 20, 1983) / 1
ED244214 The Pragmatic Blending of Psychodynamic and Behavioral Treatment Approaches 1
ED244215 A Meta-Analysis of Race and Socioeconomic Status Differences in Nonverbal Behavior 1
ED244216 The Deferent Self Attributions of Personal Causality to "Impersonal Forces." / 1
ED244217 Parenting after Divorce Educational Groups for Single Parents / 1
ED244218 Gerontology Education The Needs of Local Agencies / 1