Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED239145 Alcoholic Subtypes Validity of Clusters Based on Multiple Assessment Domains / 1
ED239146 A Lifespan Study of Classification Preference 1
ED239147 The Concept of Race in the History of Social Psychology 1
ED239148 Friendship Termination Patterns of College Women and Men 1
ED239149 Choice of Friends over the Life Span Developmental and Environmental Influences. Report No. 345 / 1
ED239150 A Comparison of Three Cognitive Treatments in Alleviating Depression 1
ED239151 Imposing a Termination Date An Approach Based on Counterdependency / 1
ED239152 Sex Differences in Group Interaction and Task Performance 1
ED239153 Automaticity and Attentional Processes in Aging 1
ED239155 Mandated Multicultural Education Boon or Boondoggle / 1
ED239156 "Rap Groups" as Field Research Method in a Sheltered Workshop 1
ED239157 Client Characteristics Associated with Treatment Outcome for Aggressive Boys 1
ED239158 The Cognition Affect Linkage and the Unconscious in Cognitive Therapy / 1
ED239159 Guided Autobiography An Approach to Human Development / 1
ED239160 Battered Women A Lifestyle Study / 1
ED239161 Perusing Teacher Expectations A Closer Look at Affect-Attribution Links / 1
ED239162 The Development and Testing of an Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Instrument 1
ED239163 Effects of Arousal on Interpreting Other People's Emotions 1
ED239164 A Test of the Abstinence Violation Effect 1
ED239165 Assessing Social Settings to Design a Preventive Consultation 1