Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED238429 Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress, 1982. For the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1982 1
ED238430 Application Level Protocol Development for Library and Information Science Applications. Volume 1 Service Definition. Volume 2: Protocol Specification. Report No. TG.1.5; TG.50 / 1
ED238431 Approved Recommendations on Working Out National Standards of Library Service for the Blind 1
ED238432 CARISPLAN Abstracts. 07-001 07-377. Caribbean Information System for Economic and Social Planning. No. 7. 1
ED238433 Computer Conference in Information Service. Research Report 191 1
ED238434 Information and Referral Services in Public Libraries A Survey / 1
ED238435 Information As a Resource. Occasional Paper no. 2 1
ED238436 Report from the States, 1981-1983. White House Conference on Library and Information Services Follow-Up Inquiry. Committee Member Responses 1
ED238437 Research Libraries in the Online Environment. Minutes of the Semiannual Meeting (102nd, Banff, Alberta, May 4-6, 1983) 1
ED238438 The Role of Archives and Records Management in National Information Systems A RAMP Study / 1
ED238439 Two Reports on Research Libraries. Forum I Toward the 21st Century: An Agenda for Research Libraries and Their Users (Racine, Wisconsin, December 8-10, 1982). Forum II: National and Regional Aspects of Collecting and Preserving Library Materials (Wye Plantation, Maryland, October 10-12, 1983) 1
ED238440 The Direct Use of Online Bibliographic Information Systems by Untrained End Users A Review of Research / 1
ED238441 New York State Agency Libraries 1
ED238442 Newspapers in New York. Recommendations for an Initial Statewide Plan of Data Collecting and Entry Prepared for the New York State Library 1
ED238443 Youth Participation in School and Public Libraries 1
ED238444 Forecasting Library Futures Participative Decisionmaking with a Microcomputer Model. Background Paper. Workshop 3 / 1
ED238445 A Guide to Research and Funding for Librarians. First Edition 1
ED238446 Library Service to the People of New York State. A Long-Range Program, October 1, 1983-September 30, 1988, for the Improvement of Library Services Utilizing Local, State, and Federal Resources 1
ED238447 Library Use by Graduate Students and Faculty in Science and Technology Areas. RB-83-4 1
ED238448 Library Use in the Science and Technology Libraries, Spring Semester, 1983. RB-83-2 1