Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED166912 Barrier-Free Design The Law, Volume 2 / 1
ED166913 Demonstration of the Use of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Handicapped Children. Final Report 1
ED166914 A Parent's Guide to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) as Required by P.L. 94-142 (Education for All Handicapped Children Act) 1
ED166915 Problem Behavior Rating Scale. Technical Report 78-01 1
ED166916 Assessment of the Training Needs of Educators of the Severely and Profoundly Retarded 1
ED166917 Comprehension of Simultaneous Stimuli in Normal and Superior Children 1
ED166918 Guide for Parents 1
ED166919 1978 Annual Review of Child Abuse and Neglect Research 1
ED166920 The Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Academic Underachievement Research of the Recent Literature / 1
ED166921 An Empirical Study Concerning the Incidence, the Diagnosis and the Treatment and Follow-Up of Academically Underachieving Children 1
ED166922 The Diagnosis, Treatment, and Follow-Up of an Underachieving Child. Case Study 1
ED166923 Training the Developmentally Disabled for Community Living A Community Effort / 1
ED166924 Educational Materials for Remedial Instruction 1
ED166925 Programs for Handicapped Children in New York State. Occasional Paper #29 1
ED166926 The Historical and Theoretical Perspectives of Mass. Legislation Chapters 766 and 71A 1
ED166927 Descriptive Presentation of a Model Integrating Classroom in Accordance with Chapter 766 and 71A 1
ED166928 Mental Retardation and the Law A Report on Status of Current Court Cases / 1
ED166929 Personality Characteristics of Child Abusing Parents 1
ED166930 The History and Development of the French Language Immersion Program 1
ED166931 English as the Second Language in Quebec A Teacher Profile / 1