Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED137818 The Czech and Slovak Press The First 100 Years. Journalism Monographs No. 47 / 1
ED137821 Egyptian Radio Tool of Political and National Development. Journalism Monographs No. 48 / 1
ED137822 A Selective Bibliography of Government Publications On Children's Books and Children's Literature And Bibliographies of Children's Books and Children's Literature 1
ED137823 A Coorientational Study of Food Public Relations Practitioners, Editors and Readers 1
ED137829 Curriculum Guide in Language Arts for Kindergarten 1
ED137830 Child and Tale The Origins of Interest. NCTE Committee on Research Report No. 19 / 1
ED137833 Communication Certification A Survey / 1
ED137834 The Teaching of Old English in Translation 1
ED137836 Children' : s Books, 1976: A List of Books for Preschool through Junior High School Age / 1
ED137838 Changes in Pronominal Usage 1
ED137839 A Developmental Study of Children's Ability to Abstract Spelling Patterns 1
ED137840 Myths, Symbols, Stereotypes The Artist and the Mass Media / 1
ED137841 Write or Phone 1
ED137842 Designing the Speech Communication Classroom A Viable Alternative / 1
ED137843 The Effects of Public Communication Programs on Fire Prevention in the Home A Review; A Report to The National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control / 1
ED137844 Fact, Feeling, Fantasy An Integrative Approach to Learning Communication Skills / 1
ED137845 A Philosophic Base for Generic Analysis A Plausible Future for Contemporary Rhetoric / 1
ED137846 Patterns of Communication on Talk Radio 1
ED137847 Rhetoric as Reality Construction 1
ED137848 Science as a Rhetorical Enterprise 1