Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED056517 A Study of the Development of Childrens' Perceptions of Selected Filmic Conventions 1
ED056518 Proposed Ordinance for the Regulation of Cable Television. Working Draft 1
ED056520 System Description and Status Report California Education Information System. 1
ED056522 Interactive Television Software for Cable Television Application 1
ED056523 The Reston, Virginia, Test of the Mitre Corporation's Interactive Television System 1
ED056525 TICCIT A Delivery System Designed for Mass Utilization / 1
ED056526 Medical Information Processing by Computer 1
ED056528 CITIZENS Communications Center for Responsive Media Progress Report. 1
ED056529 Project Solo Newsletter Number Seven. 1
ED056530 Project Solo Newsletter Number Eight. 1
ED056531 Project Solo Newsletter Number Eleven. 1
ED056532 Project Solo Newsletter Number Twelve. 1
ED056533 Project Solo Newsletter Number Thirteen. 1
ED056534 Project Solo Newsletter Number Fifteen. 1
ED056535 Project Solo Newsletter Number Nineteen. 1
ED056536 An Experimental Study of Bilingual-Affective Education for Mexican American Children in Grades K and 1 1
ED056537 An Evaluation of the Comparison of Hearing and Deaf Subjects to Investigate the Language-Thought Issue 1
ED056538 The Phonetic Component 1
ED056539 Linguistic Parameters in Performance Models 1
ED056541 Comparative Quechua Phonology and Grammar V The Evolution of Quechua B(1) / 1