Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED041848 Do Boys and Girls Receive Equal Opportunity in First Grade Reading Instruction? 1
ED041849 Pre-Decisional Information Search in Teacher Selection. Final Report 1
ED041850 The Effect of Playback of Group Counseling on the Self-Concept of Teacher Education Students. Final Report 1
ED041851 Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Revised Selection and Training Procedures in the Education of Teachers of the Culturally Disadvantaged. Summary of the Final Report 1
ED041852 Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Revised Selection and Training Procedures in the Education of Teachers of the Culturally Disadvantaged. Volume I. Final Report 1
ED041853 Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Revised Selection and Training Procedures in the Education of Teachers of the Culturally Disadvantaged. Volume II. Final Report. Appendixes A-D 1
ED041854 Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Revised Selection and Training Procedures in the Education of Teachers of the Culturally Disadvantaged. Volume III. Final Report. Appendixes E-R 1
ED041855 Field Testing and Evaluation of a Research and Instructional Unit for Increasing the Utilization of Research and Development Information and Techniques in a Secondary School System. Final Report 1
ED041856 Development of Improved Techniques for Establishing the Reliability of Observation Ratings. Final Report 1
ED041857 Elementary Teacher Education Models Analyzed in Relation to National Accreditation Standards 1
ED041858 Educational Research and Development in the United States 1
ED041860 Curriculum Development in Teacher Education in Asia. Final Report of the Regional Meeting of Teacher Educators in Asia. (Quezon City, P.I., Sept. 23-Oct 3. 1969) 1
ED041861 Developing the Oral Language Program 1
ED041862 Volunteer Aides in Public Schools. Policies and Procedures in Oregon and Washington 1
ED041864 Teacher Self-Appraisal Source Book 1
ED041865 An Interpretative Study of Individualized Instructional Programs. Phase I Analysis and Interpretation. Final Report. Phase I / 1
ED041866 A Plan for Managing the Development, Implementation, and Operation of a Model Elementary Teacher Education Program. Volume I Report of the Project. Final Report / 1
ED041867 Rationale, Development, and Validation of a Series of Self-Instructional Modules in Interaction Analysis 1
ED041868 Feasibility Study : Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program. Final Report. 1
ED041869 A Feasibility Study of the Florida State University Model for the Preparation of Elementary School Teachers. Final Report 1