Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED026156 Availability and Use of Health Services, Rural-Urban Comparison 1
ED026157 Rural to Urban Adjustment 1
ED026158 Evaluation of the Bilingual Project of Harlandale Independent School District, San Antonio, Texas, in the First and Second Grades of Four Elementary Schools during 1967-68 School Year 1
ED026159 The Study of Migrants as Members of Social Systems 1
ED026160 Public Affairs Series. No. 3, The Rural Society in Transition An Historical Examination of the Rural Society with Emphasis on Ways To Assist our Rural Society to Maximize Its Economic and Social Positions During the Present Period of Rapid Transition to an Urban-Industrial Culture / 1
ED026161 An Exploration of the Place of Projects in 4-H 1
ED026162 Evaluation of Migrant Summer School Programs Supported by the New York State Department of Education During 1968. Final Report 1
ED026163 Church and Family in Modern Rural Appalachia 1
ED026164 The American Indian High School Dropout The Magnitude of the Problem / 1
ED026165 The American Indian Graduate After High School, What? / 1
ED026167 An Analysis of the Mexican American Migrant Labor Force in the Stockbridge Area 1
ED026168 Elementary Schools Survey, Western States Small Schools Project for Nevada 1
ED026169 New Dimensions for the Small Schools of Nevada. A Report of the Western States Small Schools Project for Nevada (January 1, 1962 - August 31, 1965) 1
ED026170 A Pilot Study to Apply Evaluation-Revision Procedures in First-Grade Mexican-American Classrooms. Final Report. Technical Memorandum Series 1
ED026171 School District Organization for Missouri, A Plan to Provide Equal Access to Educational Opportunity for all Children. Report of the Missouri School District Reorganization Commission 1
ED026172 Attitudinal Characteristics of Migrant Farm Workers. First Papers on Migrancy and Rural Poverty An Introduction to the Education of Mexican-Americans in Rural Areas / 1
ED026173 Agencies and the Migrant Theory and Reality of the Migrant Condition. First Papers on Migrancy and Rural Poverty: An Introduction to the Education of Mexican-Americans in Rural Areas / 1
ED026174 The Mexican-American Heritage Developing Cultural Understanding. First Papers on Migrancy and Rural Poverty: An Introduction to the Education of Mexican-Americans in Rural Areas / 1
ED026175 Social and Cultural Characteristics of Mexican-American Families in South El Paso, Texas. Interim Report of the Mathematics Education Program 1
ED026176 Classroom Projects and Linguistic Laboratory for Non-English Speaking Children of Oklahoma 1