Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD W1207-1 Register of cadets admitted into Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., from its origin to June 30, 1870 1
EBD W1207-2 Roll of cadets admitted into U.S. Military Academy from its establishment to Dec. 31, 1872 1
EBD W1207-3 List of cadets admitted into Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., from its establishment till Sept. 30, 1876, with tables exhibiting results of examinations for admis. 1
EBD W1207-4 List of cadets admitted into U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., from its origin till Sept. 1, 1886, with tables exhibiting results of examinations for admission and corps to which graduates have been promoted 1
EBD W1207-5 List of cadets admitted into U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y., from its origin till Sept. 1, 1901, with tables exhibiting results of examinations for admission and corps to which graduates have been promoted 1
EBD W1212-1 to W1212-7 Register of officers of U.S. Military Academy 1
EBD W1302-1 Field exercises supplementary report of Brigadier General James W. Forsyth. 1
EBD W1304-2 to W1304-44 Circulars of Department of California 1
EBD W1305-1 to W1305-46 General orders 1
EBD W1306-1 Index to special orders issued from Department of California, 1904 1
EBD W1306-2 to W1306a-3 Special orders, 1868, 1869 1
EBD W1306-7 to W1306-16 Special orders 1
EBD W1307-1 to W1307-27 Roster of troops of Department of California, embracing States of California and Nevada, and Hawaiian Islands, commanded by... 1
EBD W1310-1 to W1310-15 General court-martial orders 1
EBD W1402-1 Regulations, orders, decisions, etc., governing issues, expenditures, and preservation of ordnance and ordnance stores, alphabetically arranged [with data] 1
EBD W1402-2 Models and tables of percentages for use in preparing company annual reports of target firing prescribed by small-arms firing regulations, U.S. Army 1
EBD W1404-1 to W1404-11 Circulars of Department of the Colorado... 1
EBD W1405-1.1 to W1405-11.91 General orders 1
EBD W1406-2 to W1406-9 Special orders 1
EBD W1407-1 to W1407a-20 Roster Department of the Colorado, embracing States of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming and Territories of Arizona and New Mexico 1