Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD S1.4-2.1003 Retirement Eligibility of those who formerly held classified position in civil service. 1
EBD S1.4-2.1004 Income tax Extension of time within which to file income tax returns. 1
EBD S1.4-2.1005 Payroll form for personal services 1
EBD S1.4-2.1006 Use of rubber consular seal on invoices 1
EBD S1.4-2.1007 Notice to diplomatic and consular officials of change in style of American passports 1
EBD S1.4-2.1008 Amendment No. 3 to B.A.I. Order 286, prescribing new regulations governing importation of fertilizers and bags, and Amendment No. 3 to General Instruction No. 936 of Aug. 13, 1924, explanatory of above with revised list of countries declared free from foot and mouth disease and rinderpest 1
EBD S1.4-2.1009 Simplification of collection of certain world trade directory report data 1
EBD S1.4-2.101 Pulp and paper products of wood cut on certain lands in dominion of Canada 1
EBD S1.4-2.1010 Annual efficiency reports by supervising consuls general 1
EBD S1.4-2.1011 Emergency passports 1
EBD S1.4-2.1012 Simple leaves of absence for non-commissioned employees in diplomatic and consular offices 1
EBD S1.4-2.1013 Summary of business 1
EBD S1.4-2.1014 Presumption of expatriation arising against Americans residing abroad and rules prescribed by Department of State whereunder presumption may be overcome 1
EBD S1.4-2.1015 Bills for telegrams 1
EBD S1.4-2.1016 Accounts and returns 1
EBD S1.4-2.1017 Review and rating of visa correspondence 1
EBD S1.4-2.1018 Numbering of contracts 1
EBD S1.4-2.1019 Registration of American citizens 1
EBD S1.4-2.102 National Shoe and Leather Market-Fair, Boston, 1912 1
EBD S1.4-2.1022 Admission of aliens into U.S 1