Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
E141 .B68 1904i | Spain in America, 1450-1580 | 1 |
E141 .B79 2019 | America : the complete plates 1590-1602 / | 1 |
E141.B883 B813 | Icon and conquest : a structural analysis of the illustrations of de Bry's Great voyages / | 1 |
E141 .C37 | A breef and sommarie discourse vpon the entended voyage to the hethermoste partes of America: | 1 |
E141 .C66 2007 | Los límites del océano : estudios filológicos de crónica y épica en el Nuevo Mundo / | 1 |
E141 .D45 1994 | Spanish historical writing about the New World, 1493-1700 / | 1 |
E141 .D88 1985 | L'Amérique espagnole vue et rêvée : les livres de voyages de Christophe Colomb à Bougainville / | 1 |
E141 .E22 | The Decades of the newe worlde or west India Conteynyng the nauigations and conquestes of the Spanyardes, with the particular description of the moste ryche and large landes and Ilandes lately founde in the west Ocean, perteynyng to the inheritaunce of the kinges of Spayne. In the which the diligent reader may not only consyder what commoditie may hereby chaunce to the hole christian world in tyme to come, but also learne many secreates touchynge the lande, the sea, and the starres, very necessarie to be knowē to al such as shal attempte any nauigations, or otherwise haue delite to beholde the strange and woonderful woorkes of God and nature / | 1 |
E141 .E23 | The / History of Trauayle / in the / VVest and East Indies and other / countreys lying eyther way, / towardes the fruitfull and ryche / Moluccaes. / As / Moscouia, Persia, Arabia, Syria, Ægypte, / Ethiopia, Guinea, China in Cathayo, / and Giapan: VVith a discourse of / the Northwest pas / sage. / In the hande of our Lorde be all the corners of / the earth. / Psal. 94. / | 1 |
E141 .E59 | Descripción de las Indias Occidentales / | 1 |
E141 .F7 | Discoverers, explorers, settlers : the diligent writers of early America / | 2 |
E141 .G58 1989 | America on paper : the first hundred years / | 1 |
E141 .G635 1979 | Historia general de las Indias y Vida de Hernán Cortés / | 2 |
E141 .G637 2005 | Histories of infamy : Francisco López de Gómara and the ethics of Spanish imperialism / | 1 |
E141 .G637 2005eb |
Histories of infamy : Francisco López de Gómara and the ethics of Spanish imperialism / Histories of infamy Francisco López de Gómara and the ethics of Spanish imperialism / |
3 |
E141 .G98 | Fray Bartolomé de las Casas : sus tiempos y su aposislado / | 1 |
E141 .G985 1996 | Imagen de América / | 1 |
E141 .H37 2001 | Representing the New World : the English and French uses of the example of Spain / | 1 |
E141 .H585 | Historia general de los hechos de los castellanos en las islas y tierrafirme del mar océano / | 1 |
E141 .H68 2016 | Inventing Americans in the age of discovery : narratives of encounter / | 1 |