Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:pnnl-14187 sum Summary of Hanford Site Groundwater Monitoring for Fiscal Year 2002 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14190 Estimated Entrainment of Dungeness Crab During Maintenance Dredging of the Mouth of the Columbia River, Summer 2002 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14192 Results of Performance Evaluation Testing of Electrical Leak-Detection Methods at the Hanford Mock Tank Site--FY 2002-2003 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14194 Cold Dissolved Saltcake Waste Simulant Development, Preparation, and Analysis 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14194 rev. 1 Cold Dissolved Saltcake Waste Simulant Development, Preparation, and Analysis 1
E 1.99: pnnl-14198 Hanford Site Annual Treatability Studies Report, Calendar Year 2002 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14200 An Evaluation of DOE-EM Public Participation Programs 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14201 Ultra-Trace Chemical Sensing with Long-Wave Infrared Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopic Sensors 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14202 Mineralogical and Bulk-Rock Geochemical Signatures of Ringold and Hanford Formation Sediments 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14204 Evaluation of Airflow Patterns in the Transfer Area of the 105 KE Basin 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14205 Yakima River Basin Phase II Fish Screen Evaluations, 2002 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14208 Selection and Testing of "Getters" for Adsorption of Iodine-129 and Technetium-99 A Review. 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14209 Impact of 2004 Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Buildings-Related Projects on United States Employment and Earned Income 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14213 Ancient Glass Studies Potential Archaeological Sites Relevant to Low-Activity Waste Disposal at Hanford. 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14221 Assessment of Physical Properties of Transuranic Waste in Hanford Single-Shell Tanks 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14224 Influence of Clastic Dikes on Vertical Migration of Contaminants in the Vadose Zone at Hanford 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14227 Using Colored Cullet for Making Beautiful Glassware 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14228 Updated Volumetric Expansion Factors for K Basin Sludge During Storage 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14231 Methodological Framework for Analysis of GPRA Metrics Application to FY04 Projects in BT and WIP. 1
E 1.99:pnnl-14232 Effects of Self Irradiation from 238Pu on Candidate Ceramics for Plutonium Immobilization 1