E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-224
Assessment of computational performance in nuclear criticality |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-225
Review of PGDP assessment of criticality safety problems in increasing product assay to 5 wt % ²³⁵U |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-227
Parametric study of radiation dose rates from rail and truck spent fuel transport casks |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-228
Particle size distributions formed by atmospheric hydrolysis of uranium hexafluoride |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-237
Scoping study of casks shipped from the MRS facility to various repository sites |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-238
Validation of KENO V.a Comparison with Critical Experiments |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-239
HEATING6 analysis of international thermal benchmark problem sets 1 and 2 |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-240
Upgrade of the GRESS (test version D) precompiler to allow triply-dimensioned arrays |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-244
Reactivity and isotopic composition of spent PWR (pressurized-water-reactor) fuel as a function of initial enrichment, burnup, and cooling time |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-246
Assessment of shielding analysis methods, codes, and data for spent fuel transport/storage applications. [Radiation dose rates from shielded spent fuels and high-level radioactive waste] |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-248
CAPSIZE A personal computer program and cross-section library for determining the shielding requirements, size, and capacity of shipping casks subject to various proposed objectives. |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-251
Multicode comparison of selected source-term computer codes |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-259
Comparison of radiation spectra from selected source-term computer codes |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-266
Actinide nuclear data for reactor physics calculations |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-268
Feasibility assessment of burnup credit in the criticality analysis of shipping casks with boiling water reactor spent fuel |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-269
Scheduling Algorithm for Improving Lift (SAIL) Documentation for initial operating capability. |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm--272
Benchmark shielding calculations for the NEACRP [Nuclear Energy Agency-Committee on Reactor Physics] Working Group on shielding assessment of transportation packages |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm--281
An introduction to computer viruses |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm-281
An introduction to computer viruses |
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E 1.99:ornl/csd/tm--283
AMPX-77 A modular code system for generating coupled multigroup neutron-gamma cross-section libraries from ENDF/B-IV and/or ENDF/B-V. |
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