Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:la-7718-ms Integrated computer network high-speed parallel interface 1
E 1.99:la-7721-pr Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program primarily for the Rocky Mountain states of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, and the State of Alaska. Semiannual progress report, October 1978-March 1979 1
E 1.99:la-7724-m QIKMIX a quick-turnaround computer program for computing opacities of mixtures. 1
E 1.99:la-7727-t Photoionization mass spectrometric studies of selected compounds in a molecular beam 1
E 1.99:la-7728-ms Verification station for Sandia/Rockwell Plutonium Protection system 1
E 1.99:la-7730-ms Preliminary concepts safeguards for spent light-water reactor fuels. 1
E 1.99:la-7731-ms SCATPI, a subroutine for calculating. pi. N cross sections and polarizations for incident pion kinetic energies between 90 and 300 MeV. [In FORTRAN for CDC 6600 and 7600 and Xerox Sigma 7] 1
E 1.99:la-7734-pr Collective ion acceleration. Progress report, October 1977--September 1978 1
E 1.99:la-7739-c Summary of fission spectrum workshop held at the National Neutron Cross Section Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, October 23, 1978. [Cross sections, review, neutron spectra] 1
E 1.99:la-7750 Studies of long-term ecological effects of exposure to uranium IV 1
E 1.99:la-7751-p Proposal for the transmittal of data to LASL and the reporting of TRAC analyses for the multinational reflood experimental program 1
E 1.99:la-7755-pr Inertial fusion program. Progress report, July 1-December 31, 1978 1
E 1.99:la-7758-ms Beam pulse length and guide field strength parameter study for the autoresonant acceleration proof-of-principle experiment 1
E 1.99:la-7759-ms Tests of vacuum interrupters for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor 1
E 1.99:la-7761-ms Capacitive discharge firing system for providing acoustic sources in the hot dry rock geothermal energy development project 1
E 1.99:la-7766-ms Two dynamic hydrothermal systems and fluid samplers for studying rock-fluid interactions 1
E 1.99: la-7770-ms Application of implicit numerical methods to problems in two-phase flow. [BWR; PWR] 1
E 1.99:la-7771-ms Hot dry rock energy extraction field test 75 days of operation of a prototype reservoir at Fenton Hill, Segment 2 of Phase I. 1
E 1.99:la-7779-m High-level neutron coincidence counter (HLNCC) users' manual. 1
E 1.99:la-7780-pr Laboratory studies of radionuclide distributions between selected groundwaters and geologic media. Progress report, January 1--March 31, 1979 1