Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
E 1.99:conf-790594-1 | CONDOS methodology for evaluation of radiation exposure from consumer products | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790596--1 | Leaching properties of solidified TRU waste forms | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790597-1 | Utilization of borosilicate glass for transuranic waste immobilization. [Vitrification facility performance] | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-1 | Photoneutron target design for fast neutron spectrum measurements | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-3 | Behavior of a failed fuel rod during film boiling operation. [PWR] | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-4 | Microwave heating simulations of fission energy generation in volume-boiling pool systems | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-6 |
Development of BNL Heat Transfer Facility 1 flashing experiments. One-dimensional model of vapor generation in steady flashing flow |
2 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-8 | Enhanced safety in the storage of fissile materials. [Neutron absorbers] | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-9 | Comparison of measured and calculated average void fraction in volume-boiling pools with inclined boundaries. [LMFBR] | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-10 | Fusion reactor thermal--hydraulics | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-12 | Fusion blanket integral neutronics experiments | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-13 | Analysis of the General Electric Company swell tests with RELAP4/MOD7. [BWR] | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-14 | One- and two-dimensional heating analyses of fusion synfuel blankets | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-15 | LOFT reactor advanced instrumented center fuel bundle | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-16 | Steam generator tube rupture effects on a LOCA | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-17 | LOFT fuel design and operating experience | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-790602-18 | Simple procedure for determining implications of design changes on fast reactor fuel cycle cost and breeding performance | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-19 | LOFT blowdown experiment safety analysis methodology | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-20 | Improved RELAP4 BWR jet pump model | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-790602-24 | LOFT zero power/power range physics testing measurements versus calculations. | 1 |