E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm--102
Magnet Design for the TEPR OH Coil Homopolar Generator |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-103
Recent contributions to fusion reactor design |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-104
MACK/MACKLIB system for nuclear response functions |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-105
Sputtering and surface damage of TFTR protective plate materials (Mo, TZM, graphite) by energetic D/sup +/ ion irradiation. Final report for Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-106
MACKLIB-IV a library of nuclear response functions generated with the MACK-IV computer program from ENDF/B-IV. |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-108
Thin low Z coatings for plasma devices |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm--109
Spectroscopic Data for Cu-LIKE Ions |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-110
TCODE a computer code for analysis of tritium and vacuum systems for tokamak fusion reactors. |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp-tm-111
Fusion reactor safety studies, FY 1977 |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-112
Argonne National Laboratory papers presented at third ANS topical meeting on the technology of controlled nuclear fusion |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-113
Disparate clump approximation in neoclassical plasma transport theory |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-114
Analysis of the multiphase Inductor-Converter Bridge |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-115
Extrapolated neutron activation cross sections for dosimetry to 44 MeV |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-116
Neoclassical transport in plasmas containing ions with multiple charge states |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-118
Square function analysis of the Inductor-Converter Bridge |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-119
Power supply requirements for a tokamak fusion reactor |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-120
Design constraints for rf-driven steady-state tokamak reactors |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-121
Safety of superconducting fusion magnets twelve problem areas. |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-124
Kinetic solution of the sheath region in a fusion reactor |
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E 1.99:anl/fpp/tm-125
STARFIRE a commercial tokamak reactor. |
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