Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:CONF-980117-- Simultaneous two-photon excitation of photodynamic therapy agents
Modeling the effect of heatsink performance in high-peak-power laser-diode-bar pump sources for solid-state lasers 011 011
Automated detection of Karnal bunt teliospores
Plasma luminescence feedback control system for precise ultrashort pulse laser tissue ablation
An intensified/shuttered cooled CCD camera for dynamic proton radiography
Physical mechanisms of importance to laser thrombolysis
Design modeling of the 100-J diode-pumped solid-state laser for Project Mercury
Photon burst mass spectrometry for the measurement of ⁸⁵Kr at ambient levels
Simulations of shock waves and cavitation bubbles produced in water by picosecond and nanosecond laser pulses
Microtechnology for instrumentation
OCT for diagnosis of periodontal disease
Scaling model for laser-produced bubbles in soft tissue
Soft x-ray circular dichroism and scattering using a modulated elliptically polarizing wiggler and double synchronous detection
Pose and Motion Estimation Using Dual Quaternion-Based Extended Kalman Filtering
Miniature Uncooled Infrared Sensitive Detectors for in Vivo Biomedical Imaging Applications
Laser-driven polyplanar optic display
Adaptation of the fuzzy k-nearest neighbor classifier for manufacturing automation
Applications of high resolution ICP-AES in the nuclear industry
Synthetic thrombus model for in vitro studies of laser thrombolysis
Sample handling for kinetics and molecular assembly in flow cytometry
Flow cytometry-based DNA hybridization and polymorphism analysis
Transport and handling of National Ignition Facility beamline optic modules
Optimized, diode pumped, Nd glass, prototype regenerative amplifier for the National Ignition Facility (NIF)
Optical assembly and alignment for the National Ignition Facility project
Femtosecond laser materials processing
Non-thermal photodesorption of N₂ from Ag(111)
Laser mass ablation efficiency measurements indicate bubble-driven dynamics dominates laser thrombolysis
Laser conditioning methods fo hafnia silica multiplayer mirrors
Quantum computing with trapped ions
Developing optical traps for ultra-sensitive analysis
Laser micromachining of chemically altered polymers
Rule-based inspection of printed green ceramic tape
E 1.99:CONF-980118-- Overview of PSB track on gene structure identification in large-scale genomic sequence
An editing environment for DNA sequence analysis and annotation
E 1.99:CONF-980119-- Formal language constrained path problems 1
E 1.99:CONF-980120-- Simulations of embodied evolving semiosis Emergent semantics in artificial environments.
Parallelization of the MAAP-A code neutronics/thermal hydraulics coupling
E 1.99: conf-980121-- Numerical Simulations of Two Wildfire Events Using a Combined Modeling System (HIGRAD/BEHAVE) 1
E 1.99:CONF-980121-- National assessment of the consequences of climate change for the United States
Coupled Weather and Wildfire Behavior Modeling at Los Alamos An Overview.
Three-dimensional model for simulating atmospheric dispersion of heavy-gases over complex terrain
Nocturnal wind direction shear and its potential impact on pollutant transport
Turbulence in the convective boundary layer observed by microwave interferometry
FIRETEC A transport description of wildfire behavior.
Exposure estimates using urban plume dispersion and traffic microsimulation models
New meteorological data assimilation model for real-time emergency response
Langevin equation modeling of convective boundary layer dispersion assuming homogeneous, skewed turbulence
Sea breeze regimes in the New York City region - modeling and radar observations
Using the ABLE facility to observe urbanization effects on planetary boundary layer processes
Investigation of Microphysical Parameters within Winter and Summer Type Precipitation Events over Mountainous [Complex] Terrain
Simulations of Precipitation Variability over the Upper Rio Grande Basin
Analysis of monthly mean cloud amount for China 1951--1994.
Uncertainty in radiosonde measurements of temperature and relative humidity estimated from dual-sonde soundings made during the September 1996 ARM Water Vapor IOP
The ARM eddy correlation system for monitoring surface fluxes
Scale Interaction in a California precipitation event
E 1.99:CONF-980122-- H atom probes of radiation chemistry Solids and liquids.
Spin probes of chemistry in zeolites
E 1.99:CONF-980123-- Test of an improved gas engine-driven heat pump
Characterizing building ventilation with the pollutant concentration index Results from field studies.
E 1.99:CONF-980123--1 Radiation control coatings installed on rough-surfaced built-up roofs -- Initial results 1
E 1.99:CONF-980124-- Application of tethered balloon and kite measurements using chilled mirror hygrometers during the ARM WVIOP in the fall of 1996 in Oklahoma
Aircraft measurements of nitrogen dioxide and peroxyacyl nitrates using luminol chemiluminescence with fast capillary gas chromatography
A study of the effects of an additional sound source on RASS performance
E 1.99: conf-980125-- A two-phase thermal model for subsurface transport on massively parallel computers
Toward parallel, adaptive mesh refinement for chemically reacting flow simulations
E 1.99:CONF-980125-- Problems and solutions (generalized and FEM) related to rapid and impulsive changes for incompressible flows 1
E 1.99: conf-980126-- Micro-flex mirror and instability actuation technique 1
E 1.99:CONF-980127-- Damage detection for applications undergoing axial (membrane) response 1
E 1.99:CONF-980128-- Characterizing reliability in a product/process design-assurance program 1
E 1.99: conf-980130-- Development of impedance matching technologies for ICRF antenna arrays 1
E 1.99:CONF-980130-- Design of the HHFW heating and current drive system for NSTX
Heating and current drive on NSTX and HHFW experiments on CDX-U
The ion cyclotron system for the KSTAR tokamak
Electron cyclotron heating experiments on the DIII-D tokamak
Perspectives gained from ICRF physics studies on TFTR
E 1.99:CONF-980131-- Field technology evaluations in EPÀs Environmental Technology Verification (ETC) Program 1
E 1.99: conf-980132-- Surety applications in transportation 1
E 1.99:CONF-980133-- Some theoretical issues on computer simulations
Evolution on folding landscapes in combinatorial structures