Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
E 1.99:CONF-9508156--10 | Observation of SASE at 47 μm | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-9508156--absts |
17th international free electron laser conference and 2nd international FEL users̀ workshop. Program and abstracts Resonance hard radiation in a gas-loaded FEL Comparison of optical and electron spectra in an infra-red free electron laser Beam diagnostics in the CIRFEL Cavity-mirror degradation in the deep-UV FEL KIAE-1.5-3 undulator performance First lasing, capabilities, and flexibility of FIREFLY Microglial responses to free-electron laser incisions in rat brain Influence of static electron beam̀s self-fields on the cyclotron-undulator resonance Transverse mode coupling and supermode establishment in a free-electron laser oscillator Carbon-fiber low-voltage electron guns High-efficiency FEL-oscillator with Bragg resonator operated in reversed guide field regime Electrostatic-accelerator free-electron lasers for power beaming Matrix-assisted laser-desorption-ionization mass spectrometry of proteins using a free-electron laser A method of forming a high-quality electron beam for free electron masers Vibrational spectroscopy at interfaces by IR-VIS sum-frequency generation using CLIO FEL New results of the {open_quotes}CLIO{close_quotes} infrared FEL using the new undulator {open_quotes}OMIR{close_quotes} and a hole coupling extraction Structure of the spontaneous emission spectra of high-{gamma} free electron lasers as measured at the Darmstadt (S-Dalinac) FEL Gain enhancement plasma-loaded FEL in the presence of beat waves Picosecond intersubband hole relaxation in p-type quantum wells Broadband short pulse measurement by autocorrelation with a sum-frequency generation set-up Three-dimensional study of the multi-cavity FEL A compact FEL upconverter of coherent radiation Plans for a far-infrared free-electron laser in India Construction and development of a UV free electron laser under the cooperation of Nihon U, KEK, PNC, ETL and Tohoku U An experimental study on microwave electron gun Progress in the injector for FEL at CIAE Beam transport for an SRF recirculating-linac FEL Current status of the superconducting RF linac driver for the JAERI Free Electron Laser Facility Sensitivity and alternative operating point studies on a high charge CW FEL injector test stand at CEBAF The Mark III IR FEL Improvements in performance and operation. SSRL photocathode RF gun test stand High power testing of a 17 GHz photocathode RF gun A compact high-gradient 25 MeV 17 GHz RF linac for free-electron laser research E-beam dynamics calculations and comparison with measurements of a high duty accelerator at Boeing The Boeing photocathode accelerator magnetic pulse compression and energy recovery experiment Longitudinal phase space experiments on the ELSA photoinjector GHz repetition rate tabletop X-band photoinjector for free-electron laser applications The spartial distribution of the particles of the beam interacting with an inhomogeneous electromagnetic wave The spectral-angular and polarization characteristics of radiation from an electron beam traversing an inhomogeneous electromagnetic wave Lattice design of a quasi-isochronous ring for a storage-ring FEL The performance of the Duke FEL storage ring A study of influence of stohastic process on the synchroton oscillations of a single electron circulated in VEPP-3 storage ring Improvement of current limitation in the storage ring NIJI-IV A 3 Ghz photoelectron gun for high beam intensity Cyclotron resonance cooling by strong laser field Diagnostics and electron-optics of a high current electron beam in the TANDEM free electron laser - status report Diffraction and pulse slippage in the Boeing 1 kW FEL oscillator The trapped-particle instability in the Boeing 1kW FEL oscillator Energy stability in a high average power FEL Electron beam effects in a UV FEL Multi-stage FEL amplifier with diaphragm focusing line as direct energy driver for inertial confinement fusion Analysis of the eigenvalue equation of the FEL amplifier with axisymmetric electron beam and diaphragm focusing line On a theory of an FEL oscillator with multicomponent undulator Some novel features of an FEL oscillator with tapered undulator Nonlinear theory of a plasma Cherenkov maser Nonlinear saturation characteristics of a dielectric Cherenkov maser The magnetoresonance operation of microwiggler on the piezoelectrics with a strong magnetic guide field Design of a demonstration experiment on the wide-bandwidth high-power dielectric Cherenkov maser amplifier Mode competition and mode control in free electron lasers with one and two dimensional Bragg resonators Development of a high average power, CW, MM-wave FEL Lightning control system using high power microwave FEL Construction, testing of the 1 MW, 130-260 GHz Fusion-FEM First operation of a dielectric-loaded double-stripline free-electron maser experiment Beam quality and wavelength limitation in visible and UV FEL oscillations Optical properties of mid-infrared FELs from the FELI Facility I {open_quotes}Hot{close_quotes} - Electron laser using a Bragg reflection of electrons Non-destructive diagnosis of relativistic electron beams using a short undulator Advanced in undulator technology at STI Optronics Characteristics of the MIT microwiggler for free electron laser applications Multi-order lasing with a modified wiggler Optical alignment and diagnostics for the ATF microundulator FEL oscillator The ENEA F-CUBE Facility Trends in R.F. driven compact FELs and related diagnostics. Temporal and spectral evolution of a storage ring FEL source Experimental results on Super-ACO and new theoretical approach. Compton backscattering of intracavity storage ring free-electron laser radiation Gain narrowing of temporal and spectral widths in the UVSOR-FEL Resonant condition for storage ring short wavelength FEL with power exceeding Renieri limit On the spectrum of optical klystron in the oscillation mode Magnetic beam position monitor The primary test of measuremental system for the actual emittance of relativistic electron beams Beam extraction experiment with field-emission arrays A new beam source for free electron lasers High-power, high-brightness pseudospark-produced electron beam driven by improved pulse line accelerator Next linear collider test accelerator injector upgrade Observation of enhanced Compton scattering in a supercavity Inverse Compton gamma-ray source for nuclear physics and related applications at the Duke FEL An FEL design for gamma-gamma colliders based on chirped pulse amplification techniques Coherent spontaneous radiation from highly bunched electron beams Stimulated coherent emission from short electron bunches in free space Sideband elimination and high efficiencies in a strongly tapered FEL amplifier High-gradient acceleration of electrons in a plasma loaded wiggler Saturation and pulsed FEL dynamics Theoretical analysis of advanced schemes for free electron laser with a large {mu}{sub c} Deliberate misalignment in free electron lasers with a hole coupling Evolution of transverse modes in FELIX macropulses Measurement of characteristics of an infrared free-electron laser with the L-band at Osaka University Design study of a longer wavelength FEL for FELIX Shaping pulses using frequency conversion with a modulated picosecond free electron laser On a theory of an FEL amplifier with circular waveguide and guiding magnetic field Efficiency optimization in a FEL with fields̀ nonadiabatic tapering Velocity distributions produced by a thermionic electron gun and the effect on the performance of a Cerenkov FEL Simulations of the performance of the Fusion-FEM, for an increased e-beam emittance Orbital motion in generalized static fields of FELs accounting for axial magnetic field, beam forces, undulator and external focusing Distorted orbit due to field errors and particle trajectories in combined undulator and axial magnetic field A comparison of various schemes of beam conditioning Vortices in the electron beams in the inhomogeneous undulator magnetic field Investigation of electron beam transport in a helical undulator Microwave axial free-electron laser with enhanced phase stability JINR test facility for studies FEL bunching technique for CLIC driving beam Self-fields in free-electron lasers Spectral dynamics of a collective free electron maser Space charge field in a FEL with axially symmetric electron beam Design of a {open_quotes}slow-wave{close_quotes} ubitron Theory of spontaneous and stimulated radiation from electrons in a helical wiggler with a guiding magnetic field 2-D simulation of a waveguide free electron laser having a helical undulator Theory of low voltage annular beam free-electron lasers Normal and anomalous Doppler effects in periodic waveguide cyclotron maser Free electron maser experiments in the low-frequency limit Free-electron laser challenges in the low-voltage limit FEL on slow cyclotron wave Evolution of longitudinal modes in low voltage FEL Gain results for low voltage FEL X-band prebunched FEL amplifier Spontaneous emission measurements from a low voltage pre-bunched electron beam Gain measurements on a waveguide FEL amplifier with pre-bunched electron beam The dynamics of radiation formation in a FEL Simulation of waveguide FEL oscillator using RF linac Ther FERMI FEL project at TRIESTE Integrated computer simulation on FIR FEL dynamics Study of waveguide resonators for FEL operating at submillimeter wavelengths Study of the Smith-Purcell effect in the relativistic regime Smith-Purcell free-electron laser High frequency limit of vacuum microelectronic grating free-electron laser Smith-Purcell radiation in the highly relativistic regime Van Der Pol model of a Cerenkov maser Predicted performance of a multi-section VUV FEL with the Amsterdam pulse stretcher and storage ring AmPS Parameter study of the VUV-FEL at the Tesla Test Facility Parametric x-ray FEL operating with external Bragg reflectors Limiting parameters of the x-ray lasers Optical cavity and electron beam requirements for the operation of a 1.5 {angstrom} LCLS in a regenerative amplifier mode Terahertz quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures with the UCSB free electron lasers Energy transfer at the active sites of heme proteins Effects of undulator interruptions on the performance of high-gain FEL amplifiers Photoabalation in dental hard substances and atheromatous plaques - The efficiency and selectivity criteria for surgery Experiments on ocular tissue ablation at 5.3 and 6.0 {mu}m with the Los Alamos advanced FEL Biological effects of laser-induced stress waves Wavelength dependent delay in the onset of FEL tissue ablation Non-wiggler-averaged theory of short wavelength free-electron lasers Numerical simulations of x-ray generation in miltisectional FELs Strong focusing influence on high gain FEL characteristics Radiation from relativistic electron beams in periodic structures FEL gain as a function of phace displacements induced by undulator intersection gaps Scaling formulae for FEL operating in linear and non linear regime Longitudinal and transverse mode evolution in free electron laser Simulation of the short pulse effects in the start-up from noise in high-gain FELS Shot noise startup of the 6 NM SASE FEL at the Tesla Test Facility Self-consistent analysis of radiation and relativistic electron beam dynamics in a helical wiggler using Lienard-Wiechert fields Criterion of transverse coherence of self-amplified spontaneous emission in high gain free electron laser amplifiers Transverse effects in UV FELs Ultrahigh harmonics generation in a FEL with a seed laser Small-signal gain in a gas-loaded FEL Design optimization and transverse coherence analysis for an x-ray free electron laser driven by SLAC LINAC Step-tapered operation of the FEL Efficiency enhancement and two-colour operation. Half-period optical pulse generation using a free-electron laser The Stanford Picosecond FEL Center Activities of the CLIO infrared facility Commissioning the FELI linac and UV-FEL facility The research facilities of the Duke FEL Laboratory - uniqueness and challenges Time dependence of FEL-induced surface photovoltage on semiconductor interfaces measured with synchroton radiation photoemission spectroscopy Vibrational relaxation dynamics of SD molecules in As{sub 2}S{sub 3} Observation of an anomalous isotope effect. Time-resolved protein dynamics using synchronized Ti sapphire regenerative amplifier/infrared FEL Temperature dependence of the two photon absorption in indium arsenide Reflection and transmission measurements on high-T{sub c} superconducting films in the MM-wave region Photo-induced reflectivity in the mid and far infrared Heterostructures as a quantum optical klistron Many-body dynamics and energy relaxation times in a wide semiconductor quantum well as probed by nonlinear far-infrared absorption The photon drag effect A fast FIR detector. Users program for storage-ring based FEL and synchrotron sources of the Duke FEL Laboratory The user facility FELIX Past, present and future. Development of a scanning near-field infrared microscope based on a free electron laser Excitation and deexcitation of the Si-H stretching mode in a Si H with picosecond free electron laser pulses. Electronic properties of superconductors studied using photo induced activation of microwave absorption (PIAMA) Quantum well intersubband lifetimes measured by mid-IR pump-probe experiments Vibrational relaxation of a triatomic molecular impurity D{sub 2}O in vitreous As{sub 2}S{sub 3} Influence of phonon emission on intersubband lifetimes in wide GaAs/AlGaAs and Si/SiGe quantum wells Mode pumping experiments on biomolecules Medical and molecular biological application in the FELI Time dependent weak localization of a 2DEG in the presence of Andreev reflections Studies of fullerene absorption and production using an infrared free-electron laser Dynamic localization and negative absolute conductance in terahertz driven semiconductor superlattices Picosecond response of a photon drag detector Vibrational population dynamics in liquids and glasses IR pump-probe experiments from 10 K to 300 K. Measurement of the resonant polaron effect in the Reststrahlen band of GaAs Si using far-infrared two-photon excitation. Inverse Bloch-oscillator Strong Thz-photocurrent resonances at the Bloch frequency. Coherent transient grating effects and auger inhibition in InAsSb systems Vibrational lifetimes of protein amide modes IR-UV photochemistry of protein-nucleic acid systems Dynamical aspects on FEL interaction in single passage and storage ring devices First lasing, capabilities, and flexibilities of FIREFLY Optical properties of infrared FELs from the FELI Facility II First lasing of the KAERI millimeter-wave free electron laser Report on first masing and single mode locking in a prebunched beam FEM oscillator Microscopic study on lasing characteristics of the UVSOR storage ring free electron laser Lasing at 300 nm and below Optical challenges and perspectives. Duke storage rink UV/VUV FEL Status and prospects. Present status of the NIJI-IV storage-ring free-electron lasers Kinetic theory of free electron lasers Determination of electron bunch shape using transition radiation and phase-energy measurements Design and characterization of the DC acceleration and transport system required for the FOM 1 MW free electron maser experiment Electron bunch length measurement at the Vanderbilt FEL Generation of frequency-chirped optical pulses with felix Theoretical analysis of saturation and limit cycles in short pulse FEL oscillators Experimental results of a sheet-beam, high power, FEL amplifier with application to magnetic fusion research High-efficiency CARM Measurements of the temporal and spatial phase variations of a 33 GHz pulsed free electron laser amplifier and application to high gradient RF acceleration Studies on a VUV free electron laser at the TESLA Test Facility at DESY Exact and variational calculations of eigenmodes for three-dimensional free electron laser interaction with a warm electron beam Nonlinear analysis of wiggler-imperfections in free-electron lasers High-power FEL design issues - a critical review Status of the project of Novosibirsk high power FEL Optical wavelength modulation in free electron lasers FEL beam sharing systems for eight user̀s stations of the FELI Status report on the development of a high-power UV/IR FEL at CEBAF A proposed visible FEL Facility at Boeing Experimental study of a high-current FEM with a broadband microwave system Design of a high average-power FEL driven by an existing 20 MV electrostatic-accelerator A wiggler magnet for FEL low voltage operation Combined electromagnetic and permanent magnet undulator to achieve higher field and easier field variation without mechanical movement Initial studies of Bremsstrahlung energy deposition in small-bore superconducting undulator structures in linac environments FEL indulators with the hollow-ring electron beam Hybrid undulator numerical optimization Advanced optimization of permanent magnet wigglers using a genetic algorithm A helical optical for circular polarized UV-FEL project at the UVSOR Performance of an undulator for visible and UV FELs at FELI Coherent harmonic production using a two-section undulator FEL A CHI wiggler ubitron amplifier experiment Wiggler characterization. Image tuning techniques for enhancing the performance of pure permanent magnet undulators with small gap/period ratios Final construction of the C.R.E.O.L. 8 millimeter period hybrid undulator High harmonics focusing undulator Tuning and characterization of the {open_quotes}Teufel{close_quotes}-undulator A hybrid type undulator for far-infrared FELs at FELI Suppression and control of leakage field in electromagnetic helical microwiggler Comparison of different undulator schemes with superimposed alternating gradients for the VUV-FEL at the TESLA Test Facility Gain length dependence on phase shake in the VUV-FEL at the TESLA Test Facility FEL gain optimisation and spontaneous radiation A broadly tunable autocorrelator for ultra-short, ultra-high power infrared optical pulses New autocorrelation technique for the IR FEL optical pulse width measurements Temporal characterization of FEL micropulses as function of cavity length detuning using frequency-resolved optical gating Real time diagnostic for operation at a CW low voltage FEL VUV optical ring resonator for Duke storage ring free electron laser On the fundamental mode of the optical resonator with toroidal mirrors Electron orbits in the microwave inverse FEL accelerator (MIFELA) A 300-nm compact mm-wave linac FEL design Conceptual design of industrial free electron laser using superconducting accelerator Application of FEL technique for constructing high-intensity, monochromatic, polarized gamma-sources at storage rings Extension of the spectral range of the CLIO FEL Status of the Northrop Grumman Compact Infrared Free-Electron Laser Polarization in free electron lasers Two FEL̀s in one Analysis of the 3D magnetic field and its errors for undulators with iron poles Theoretical analysis of planar pulse microwiggler Design of broadly tuned FIR FEL based on a variable-period microwiggler Intense inverse compton {gamma}-ray source from Duke storage ring FEL An experimental superconducting helical undulator Feed forward control An implementation at CIRFEL. Double-confocal resonator for X-ray generation via intracavity Thomson scattering Demonstration experiment of a laser synchrotron source for tunable, monochromatic x-rays at 500 eV Magnetic measurements of modulator and dispersion sections for the BNL HGFEL Polarized gamma-rays with laser-Compton backscattering Laser synchrotron radiation and beam cooling A practical method to generate brilliant hard x-rays with a tabletop electron storage ring X-ray FEL based on harmonics generation and electron beam outcoupling VUV free electron laser with a distributed feedback cavity Spontaneous emission effects in optically pumped x-ray FEL A microwave inverse Cerenkov accelerator ({open_quotes}MICA{close_quotes}) A table-top x-ray FEL based on a laser wakefield accelerator-undulator system About the scheme of the infrared FEL system for the accelerator based on HF wells Nonlinear resonances in a multi-stage free-electron laser amplifier Picosecond pulses of coherent MM-wave radiation in a photoinjector-driven waveguide free-selected laser Wavelength switching in an optical klystron Coherent undulator radiation of electron beam, microbunched for the FEL power outcoupling New method of beam bunching in free-ion lasers Superradiance of short electron pulses in regular and corrugated waveguides The role of radiation reaction in Lienard-Wiechert description of FEL interaction Application of the green function formalism to nonlinear evolution of the low gain FEL oscillator {open_quotes}Optical guiding{close_quotes} limits on extraction efficiencies of single-pass, tapered wiggler amplifiers High-gain optical Cherenkov oscillator driven by low-voltage electron beam Compact FEL̀s based on slow wave wigglers Z-discharge free electron laser On the origin of the coherent x-ray radiation from plasma focus Acoustic analog of a free-electron laser On use of time-dependent microwave fields to increase an FEL oscillator efficiency Coherent SASE FEL with electron beams prebunched in a masked chicane Measurements and simulation of the radiation build-up process in a prebunched free-electron maser oscillator Experience on the operation of the 2-in-1 electromagnetic undulator of FELICITA I Optical aspects for lasing in the visible and UV with FELICITA I Picosecond pump-probe using an FEL and a synchrotron source Source challenges resulting of the first applications of a UV storage ring FEL on Super-ACO Nonlinear absorption and transmission properties of Ge, Te and InAs using tuneable IR FEL A new undulator for the extension of the spectral range of the CLIO FEL Potential applications of a dual-sweep streak camera system for characterizing particle and photon beams of VUV, XUV, and x-ray FELS Research and development toward a 4.5-1.5{angstrom} linac coherent light source (LCLS) at SLAC A photocathode RF gun for x-ray FEL Sum-frequency generation from molecular monolayers using 14 {mu}m radiation from the FELIX free-electron laser Strategies for minimizing emittance growth in high charge CW FEL injectors Harmonic generation in VUV/x-ray range at the Duke storage ring FEL using electron beam outcoupling Design of a far-infrared CHI wiggler free-electron laser Progress of the commissioning of the DELTA storage ring FEL facility |
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E 1.99:CONF-9508157--1 | Advancing lighting and daylighting simulation The transition from analysis to design aid tools. | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-9508159--1 | Electron and optical beam testing of integrated circuits using CIVA, LIVA, and LECIVA | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508160--1 | Gamma-ray bursts from planetoid accretion onto fast galactic neutron stars | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508161--1 | ARAC A support capability for emergency managers. | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508162--1 | Environmental sampling Issues for the cut-off regime. | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508163--1 | Techniques for in situ HVEM mechanical deformation of nanostructural materials | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508163--2 | HRTEM study of ion beam irradiation induced amorphization in ceramic materials | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508163--3 | Tele-Presence Microscopy An interactive multi-user environment for Collaborative research using high speed networks and the Internet. | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508163--4 | Structure factor measurement in TiAl and silicon | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508164--1 | The physics of radiation driven ICF hohlraums | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508164--2 | Collisionless absorption of light waves incident on overdense plasmas with steep density gradients | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508164--3 | Control of laser plasma instabilities in hohlraums | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-9508165--1 | Contribution towards statistical intercomparison of general circulation models | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-9508165--2 | Power as a function of reliability | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508165--3 | Using the bootstrap in a multivariadte data problem An example. | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508166--1 | Electron transfer and physical and chemical processes at low temperatures | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-9508166--2 | Small bipolarons in boron carbides Pair breaking in semiclassical hopping. | 1 |
E 1.99:CONF-9508167--1 | Programmable applications in a heterogeneous and concurrent environment | 1 |