Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:1506249 Electrochromic Window Demonstration at the 911 Federal Building, 911 Northeast 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 1
E 1.99:1506250 Modeling, Simulation, and Implementation of Solar-Driven Water-Splitting Devices 1
E 1.99:1506251 Synthesis and characterization of (Ga<sub>1-x</sub>Zn<sub>x</sub>)(N<sub>1-x</sub>O<sub>x</sub>) nanocrystals with a wide range of compositions 1
E 1.99:1506253 Effects of Salinity-Induced Chemical Reactions on Biotite Wettability Changes under Geologic CO<sub>2</sub> Sequestration Conditions 1
E 1.99:1506255 Comparative genomics and evolution of transcriptional regulons in Proteobacteria 1
E 1.99:1506256 Nanostructure/Swelling Relationships of Bulk and Thin-Film PFSA Ionomers 1
E 1.99:1506258 Heat-Induced Phase Transformation of Three-Dimensional Nb<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7</sub>(OH) Superstructures Effect of Atmosphere and Electron Beam. 1
E 1.99:1506259 Probing water distribution in compressed fuel-cell gas-diffusion layers using X-ray computed tomography 1
E 1.99:1506260 Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Optoelectronic Properties of Nb<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7</sub>(OH) and Nb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> Photoelectrodes 1
E 1.99:1506261 The Shifts of Diazotrophic Communities in Spring and Summer Associated with Coral <em>Galaxea astreata</em>, <em>Pavona decussata</em>, and <em>Porites lutea</em> 1
E 1.99:1506262 Understanding Water Transport in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Using Coupled Continuum and Pore-Network Models 1
E 1.99:1506264 Investigating Evaporation in Gas Diffusion Layers for Fuel Cells with X-ray Computed Tomography 1
E 1.99:1506265 Understanding inks for porous-electrode formation 1
E 1.99:1506267 The Relationship between Shunt Currents and Edge Corrosion in Flow Batteries 1
E 1.99:1506268 Analysis of the functional gene structure and metabolic potential of microbial community in high arsenic groundwater 1
E 1.99:1506271 Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Ink Dispersion Stability for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Applications 1
E 1.99:1506272 Palladized cells as suspension catalyst and electrochemical catalyst for reductively degrading aromatics contaminants Roles of Pd size and distribution. 1
E 1.99:1506273 Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation Studies for the FERMI Free-Electron Laser 1
E 1.99:1506274 Statistical projections for multi-dimensional visual data exploration 1
E 1.99:1506276 Compact FEL-driven inverse compton scattering gamma-ray source 1