Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:1494087 Anomalous Hall effect in ZrTe5 1
E 1.99:1494088 Organic synthesis on Mars by electrochemical reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> 1
E 1.99:1494089 Different culture media modulate growth, heterogeneity, and senescence in human mammary epithelial cell cultures 1
E 1.99:1494090 Renewable production of high density jet fuel precursor sesquiterpenes from Escherichia coli 1
E 1.99:1494091 Active learning for accelerated design of layered materials 1
E 1.99:1494092 Search for Higgs boson pair production in the $\gamma \gamma WŴ*$ channel using $pp$ collision data recorded at $\sqrt{s}$ s $=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector 1
E 1.99:1494093 Solution processable and optically switchable 1D photonic structures 1
E 1.99:1494094 Search for new phenomena in events with same-charge leptons and b-jets in pp collisions at $ \sqrt{s}=13 $ TeV with the ATLAS detector 1
E 1.99:1494095 Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems A review. 1
E 1.99:1494096 Power corrections for N-jettiness subtractions at $ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_s\right) $ 1
E 1.99:1494097 Data center growth in the United States Decoupling the demand for services from electricity use. 1
E 1.99:1494098 Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles produced in $\sqrt{s_{_\text {NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector 1
E 1.99:1494099 Tailoring manganese oxide with atomic precision to increase surface site availability for oxygen reduction catalysis 1
E 1.99:1494100 Measurement of the <math display='inline'><mrow><msup><mrow><mi>γ</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>*</mo></mrow></msup><msup><mrow><mi>γ</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>*</mo></mrow></msup><mo stretchy='false'>→</mo><mi>η</mi><mo>'</mo></mrow></math> transition form factor 1
E 1.99:1494101 Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in final states with two or three leptons at ${\sqrt{s}=13}$ with the ATLAS detector 1
E 1.99:1494102 Do we live in the swampland? 1
E 1.99:1494103 Advances in numerical methods under wiggler period averaging for free electron laser simulation 1
E 1.99:1494104 Lifetime measurement of the <math altimg='si1.gif' overflow='scroll'><msubsup><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mo>+</mo></mrow></msubsup></math> state in <sup>74</sup>Rb and isospin properties of quadrupole transition strengths at <em>N</em> = <em>Z</em> 1
E 1.99:1494105 Search for resonant WZ production in the fully leptonic final state in proton-proton collisions at <math altimg='si1.gif' overflow='scroll'><msqrt><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo><mn>13</mn><mspace width='0.25em'/><mtext>TeV</mtext></math> with the ATLAS detector 1
E 1.99:1494106 Measurement of the differential cross sections for <math display='inline'><mrow><mi>W</mi></mrow></math> -boson production in association with jets in <math display='inline'><mrow><mi>p</mi><mover accent='true'><mrow><mi>p</mi></mrow><mrow><mo accent='true' stretchy='false'>¯</mo></mrow></mover></mrow></math> collisions at <math display='inline'><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo><mn>1.96</mn><mtext></mtext><mtext></mtext><mi>TeV</mi></mrow></math> 1