E 1.99:ornl-6525
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Health and Safety Long-Range Plan Fiscal years 1989--1995. |
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E 1.99:ornl-6526/r11
Environmental Regulatory Update Table, December 1989 |
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E 1.99:ornl-6526/r2
Environmental regulatory update table, March 1989 |
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E 1.99:ornl-6526/r3
Environmental Regulatory Update Table, April 1989 |
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E 1.99:ornl-6528
Fusion Energy Division annual progress report, period ending December 31, 1988 |
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E 1.99:ornl-6537
ORNL long-range environmental and waste management plan |
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E 1.99:ornl-6539
Summary report on the HFED (High-Uranium-Loaded Fuel Element Development) miniplate irradiations for the RERTR (Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor) Program |
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E 1.99:ornl-6540/v2
Energy Division annual progress report for period ending September 30, 1988 Volume 2. |
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E 1.99:ornl-6544
1987 Neutron and gamma personnel dosimeter intercomparison study using a D₂O-moderated ²⁵²Cf source |
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E 1.99:ornl-6546
High-temperature flaw assessment procedure A state-of-the-art survey. |
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E 1.99:ornl-6547
Analytical Chemistry Division annual progress report for period ending December 31, 1988 |
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E 1.99:ornl-6551/v1
Spectroscopic Data for Titanium, Chromium, and Nickel Volume 1. |
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E 1.99:ornl-6551/v2
Atomic Data for Fusion Volume 6, Spectroscopic data for titanium, chromium, and nickel. |
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E 1.99:ornl-6551/v3
Spectroscopic Data for Titanium, Chromium, and Nickel Volume 3. |
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E 1.99: ornl--6553
An evaluation of the suitability of laser-induced fluorescence for measurements of fission-product iodine sorptivity in the MHTGR [modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor] |
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E 1.99:ornl-6554
Proposed and existing passive and inherent safety-related structures, systems, and components (building blocks) for advanced light-water reactors |
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E 1.99:ornl-6561
Neutron capture of ¹²²Te, ¹²³Te, ¹²⁴Te, ¹²⁵Te, and ¹²⁶Te |
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E 1.99: ornl--6566/v1
Auxiliary feedwater system aging study. Volume 2, Phase 1 Follow-on study. |
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E 1.99:ornl-6571
Solid State Division |
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E 1.99:ornl-6574
Advanced Neutron Source (ANS) Project progress report |
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