Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: conf-980603-- Intense beams The past, present, and future.
X-1 The challenge of high fusion yield.
The prospect for fusion energy with light ions
A study of parameters useful for describing plasma-opening switches
Wire array z-pinch insights for high x-ray power generation
Pulsed Power Fusion Program update
E 1.99:CONF-980603-- High-power proton linac for APT facility
Comparison of electrostatic and time dependent simulation codes for modeling a pulsed power gun
Applications of dielectric barrier discharges
On the use of intense ion beams for generating magnetized target fusion plasma
Disposition of nuclear waste using subcritical accelerator-driven systems
Wire array z-pinch insights for high X-ray power generation
Relativistic electron beams from cathodes at 1 GV/m gradient
E 1.99: conf-980604-- Near-net-shape fabrication by forced-flow, thermal-gradient CVI
Materials research and development for fusion energy applications
Atomic-scale properties of semiconductor heterostructures probed by scanning tunneling microscopy
Calculating solvation forces and adsorption in complex geometries with a finite element-nonlocal density functional theory method
Gradient-driven diffusion using dual control volume grand canonical molecular dynamics
Testing of an actively damped boring bar featuring structurally integrated PZT stack actuators
E 1.99:CONF-980604-- Stress measurement with non-indentation
Effect of neutron radiation on the dielectric, mechanical and thermal properties of ceramics for RF transmission windows
E 1.99: conf-980605-- Axial diagnostic package for Z
Fast resistive bolometry
Tritium concentration measurements in the JET divertor by optical spectroscopy of a Penning discharge
Calibration of a direct nuclear activation diagnostic which uses boron nitride to measure energetic deuterium ions
Spatially and temporally resolved crystal spectrometer for diagnosing high temperature pinch plasmas on Z
Implications of high-energy photons and electrons on target preheat at Z
Fielding of the on-axis diagnostic package at Z
Measurement of the photon field on Sandiàs Z facility
Absolute, soft x-ray calorimetry on the Z facility at Sandia National Laboratories
Modeling a 1-D bremsstrahlung and neutron imaging array for use on Sandiàs Z machine
Filtered x-ray diode diagnostics fielded on the Z-accelerator for source power measurements
E 1.99:CONF-980605-- Neutron cameras for ITER
Fudge a high-bandwidth fusion diagnostic of the NIF.
Measurement and simulation of apertures on Z hohlraums
Experimental configuration of direct drive cylindrical implosions on the Omega Laser
Hard x-ray production from high intensity laser solid interactions
Measurements of near forward scattered laser light in a large ICF plasma
High-energy 4ω probe laser for laser-plasma experiments at nova
Diagnosing hot electron production by short pulse, high intensity lasers using photonuclear reactions
A multipurpose TIM-based optical telescope for Omega and the Trident laser facilities
Design Study of a Visible/Infrared Periscope for Intense Radiation Applications using Reflective Optics
Theoretical aspects of the use of pulsed reflectometry in a spheromak plasma
Prospects for fluorescence based imaging/visualization of hydrodynamic systems on the National Ignition Facility
Achromatically filtered diamond photoconductive detectors for high power soft x-ray flux measurements
Blast wave diagnostic for the petawatt laser system
A tangentially viewing VUV TV system for the DIII-D divertor
On the transparency of foam in low-density foam Z-pinch experiments
Wavelength calibration of the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy system on the DIII-D tokamak
Prospects for charge-exchange-recombination-based measurements on ITER using a helium diagnostic neutral beam
Partial pressure measurements with an active spectrometer
E 1.99: conf-980606-- Decommissioning plan for the National Ignition Facility
Criticality safety study of unirradiated Cintichem target storage
Systems analysis and engineering of the X-1 Advanced Radiation Source
E 1.99:CONF-980606-- Inhour equation in a two-region reactor with multiplication in both regions
Expectations for the National Spherical Torus Experiment̀s high harmonic fast wave system
Adaptive order nodal transport method
Cost consideration in closing the nuclear fuel cycle
Critical mass experiment using U-235 foils and lucite plates
Solution-reactor-produced Mo-99 using activated carbon to remore I-131
Measurement of neutral beam profiles at DIII-D
Measurement of neutral beam profiles at DIII-D. Revision 1
Validation of KENO-VI A comparison with hexagonal lattice light-water-reactor critical experiments.
Preliminary Disposal Analysis for Selected Accelerator Production of Tritium Waste Streams
Accelerator Production of Tritium Waste Characterization and Certification Challenges
Tokamak dust in ITER -- Safety issues and R and D supporting dust limits
Tokamak dust particle size and surface area measurement
An in-phantom comparison of neutron fields for BNCT
Comparison of the CENTRM resonance processor to the NITAWL resonance processor in SCALE
SCALE criticality safety verification and validation package
An advanced deterministic method for spent fuel criticality safety analysis
Plutonium stabilization and storage research in the DNFSB 94-1 core technology program
Deposition of fuel pellets injected into tokamak plasmas
Particle size distribution of dust collected from Alcator C-MOD
A few-group delayed neutron model based on a consistent set of decay constants
β{sub eff} measurements in reflected reactors using a Rossi-α technique
Steam chemical reactivity of plasma-sprayed beryllium
Design of a californium source-driven measurement system for accountability of material recovered from the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment charcoal bed
Benefits of actinide-only burnup credit for shutdown PWRs
Safety and environmental process for the design and construction of the National Ignition Facility
Development and test of the ITER conductor joints
Beam control and laser characterization for NIF
Main amplifier power conditioning for the National Ignition Facility
Neutronics issues and inertial fusion energy a summary of findings.
A short analysis of new nuclear data evaluations and their impact on nuclear responses in fusion structural materials
A new target concept for proton accelerator driven boron neutron capture therapy applications
The spatial kinetic analysis of accelerator-driven subcritical reactor
E 1.99:CONF-980607--1 Multivariate prediction Selection of the most informative components to measure. 1
E 1.99: conf-980610-- Application of sensitivity coefficients for heat conduction problems
Diffusion with condensation and evaporation in porous media
Optimization and nondeterministic analysis with large simulation models Issues and directions.
Development and implementation of sensitivity coefficient equations for heat conduction problems
Uncertainty and error in computational simulations
Pore-scale modeling of transient and steady-state vapor diffusion in partially-saturated porous media
E 1.99:CONF-980610-- Implicit Newton-Krylov methods for modeling blast furnace stoves
Rigel An interactive structured grid generation system.
E 1.99:CONF-980615-- Development of ASTM standards in support of advanced ceramics -- continuing efforts
The U.S. Department of Energỳs advanced turbine systems program
E 1.99: conf-980616-- Developing operational safety requirements for non-nuclear facilities
Savannah River Site TRU Drum Waste Criticality Safety Margin Improvements
The role of quantitative uncertainty in the safety analysis of flammable gas accidents in Hanford waste tanks
Licensing strategy for deployment of commercial technologies procured through a service contract in DOE-owned facilities
E 1.99:CONF-980616-- Establishing sitewide risk perspectives due to cumulative impacts from AB, EP, and NEPA hazard analyses
A Simple Method for Estimating Forced Convection Mass Transfer in a Waste Tank
Hazard classification process at LLNL
Analysis of environment, safety, and health (ES{ampersand}H) management systems for Department of Energy (DOE) Defense Programs (DP) facilities
Direct calculation of leak path factors for highly compartmentalized buildings
Identification of process controls for nuclear explosive operations
Shrapnel impact probability and diagnostic port failure analysis for LLNL̀s explosives testing contained firing facility (CFF)
ATR confinement leakage determination
Advanced Test Reactor outage risk assessment
SHAMU A better way of creating, maintaining, and complying with your safety documentation.
Alternate airborne release fraction determination for hazardous waste management storage repository hazard categorization at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
AVLIS Criticality risk assessment
ITP Waste Tank Positive Pressure Inerting System
A Graded Approach for Development of an Authorization Basis for Existing Facilities
A Passive Ventilation Device for Hydrogen Control
E 1.99:CONF-980617-- Computed spectral and temporal emissions from a sonoluminescing bubble
Localized wave pulses in the keyport experiment
Localized wave generation with a standard underwater array
E 1.99:CONF-980619-- Electric vehicle fleet operations in the United States 1
E 1.99: conf-980620-- The Yucca Mountain Project drift scale test
Permeability of natural rock salt from the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) during damage evolution and healing
Using three dimensional structural simulations to study the interactions of multiple excavations in salt
Reexamination of fault angles predicted by shear localization theory
Micromechanics and homogenization techniques for analyzing the continuum damage of rock salt
Site-specific thermal and mechanical property characterizations of in situ thermal test areas at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Physical and mechanical properties of degraded waste surrogate material
Progress on the development of a three-dimensional capability for simulating large-scale complex geologic processes
Constitutive behavior of reconsolidating crushed salt
Post-test comparison of thermal-hydrologic measurements and numerical predictions for the in situ single heater test, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
E 1.99: conf-980621-- System safety assessments combining first principles and model based safety assessment methodologies
Overview of the joint US/Russia surety program in the Sandia National Laboratories Cooperative Measures Program
Dynamic modeling of physical phenomena for probabilistic risk assessments using artificial neural networks
Collaborative development of a US/Russia safety information center database
E 1.99: conf-980622-- High temperature stable WSiₓ ohmic contacts on GaN
Low damage, highly anisotropic dry etching of SiC
E 1.99: conf-980623-- Investigating a reliable covariance control scheme for MDOF systems
Control strategy for variable-speed, stall-regulated wind turbines
A multi-objective dynamic programming approach to constrained discrete-time optimal control
Decentralized fuzzy control of multiple nonholonomic vehicles