Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:conf-930401--18 An optical technique for characterizing the liquid phase of steam at the exhaust of an LP turbine 1
E 1.99:conf-930401--20 Nuclear power plant human computer interface design incorporating console simulation, operations personnel, and formal evaluation techniques 1
E 1.99: conf-930402--1 Review of the source term algorithm for emergency response at the Savannah River Site 2
E 1.99: conf-930402--2 Probabilistic risk assessment support of emergency preparedness at the Savannah River Site 2
E 1.99: conf-930402--5 Enhancement of the source term algorithm for emergency response at the Savannah River Site 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--1 Modified impedance control for robotic saw cutting Simulation and implementation in three degrees of freedom. 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--2 Pipe crawler development for duct elbow removal 1
E 1.99: conf-930403--5-draft Plan for decommissioning the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--10 Designs for remote inspection of the ALMR Reactor Vessel Auxiliary Cooling System (RVACS) 1
E 1.99: conf-930403--12 Remote fabrication of [sup 137]Cs sources at Hanford
Remote fabrication of ¹³⁷Cs sources at Hanford
E 1.99:conf-930403--42 Color image digitization and analysis for drum inspection 1
E 1.99: conf-930403--43 Automated Fuel Element Closure Welding System 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--44 Remote real time x-ray examination of fuel elements in a hot cell environment 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--45 Advanced control system for the Integral Fast Reactor fuel pin processor 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--46 IFR fuel cycle process equipment design environment and objectives 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--47 Integral Fast Reactor fuel pin processor 2
E 1.99: conf-930403--49 T-Rex system for operation in TRU, LLW, and hazardous zones. Transuranic storage area-retrieval enclosure program
T-Rex system for operation in TRU, LLW, and hazardous zones
E 1.99: conf-930403--52 Robotic systems for the high level waste tank farm replacement project at INEL 1
E 1.99:conf-930403--54 Parametric design studies of long-reach manipulators 1
E 1.99: conf-930404--1 A local'' exponential transform method for global variance reduction in Monte Carlo transport problems
A ̀̀local̀̀ exponential transform method for global variance reduction in Monte Carlo transport problems