E 1.99: conf-8906186-4
Calculated alpha-induced thick-target neutron and radionuclide yields for E/sub /alpha//le// 50 MeV |
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E 1.99: conf-8906186-5
Calculated proton-induced thick-target neutron and radionuclide yields for E/sub p/ /le/ 100 MeV |
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E 1.99: conf-8906186--6
Radiation hazards of (alpha, neutron) reactions |
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E 1.99: conf-8906186--7
Searching for existing nuclear data |
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E 1.99: conf-8906194-1
Hypernuclear physics with the (π⁺, K⁺) reaction |
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E 1.99: conf-8906194--2
Current status of E/f sub 1 (1420) and. iota. /. eta. (1450) |
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E 1.99: conf-8906194--3
The creation of high energy densities with antimatter beams |
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E 1.99: conf-8906199--2
Z sup 0 physics from the Mark II at the SLC (SLAC Linear Collider) |
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E 1.99: conf-8906199--3
Phenomenology of heavy quark production |
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E 1.99: conf-8906200--4
Anode plasma formation as a possible mechanism for an electrical stress limit in cold cathode diodes |
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E 1.99: conf-8906201-1
Computer simulations of electromagnetic ion instabilities in the plasma sheet boundary layer |
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E 1.99: conf-8906201-2
Short wavelength striations on expanding plasma clouds |
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E 1.99:conf-8906203-1
Platelet thrombosis in cardiac-valve prostheses |
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E 1.99: conf-8906204-1
Predictions for CP violation |
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E 1.99: conf-8906204-2
Phenomenology of the CKM (Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa) matrix |
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E 1.99: conf-8906204-3
Symmetry, topology and helicity in D/sub s/ → ωπ and D/sub s/ → ρπ decays |
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E 1.99: conf-8906204--4
Tau Charm Factory physics |
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E 1.99: conf-8906204--5
Study of. Psi. prime decays |
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E 1.99:CONF-8906204-7
Review of charm decay results |
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E 1.99: conf-8906206-1
Effects of main-sequence mass loss on the turnoff ages of population 1 clusters |
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