Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.R9 P55 1992 Pogroms : anti-Jewish violence in modern Russian history / 1
DS135.R9 P64 1941 Das Judentum, das wahre gesicht der sowjets / 1
DS135.R9 R43 Redemption! Jewish freedom letters from Russia / 1
DS135.R9 R47 Die russische Judengesetzgebung von der ersten polnischen Teilung bis zum "Položenie dlja evreev" (1804) / 1
DS135.R9 R48 2007 Revolution, repression, and revival : the Soviet Jewish Experience / 1
DS135.R9 R6 Rossi︠i︡a i evrey. 1
DS135.R9 R64 1986 Jewish policies and right-wing politics in imperial Russia / 1
DS135.R9 R6713 1998 The encyclopedia of Russian Jewry / 1
DS135.R9 R73 1975 Economic condition of the Jews in Russia / 1
DS135.R9 S36 The Jews in the Soviet Union / 1
DS135.R9 S46 2004 Russko-evreĭskie razborki vchera i segodn︠i︡a / 1
DS135.R9 S5227 2006 Soviet and kosher : Jewish popular culture in the Soviet Union, 1923-1939 / 2
DS135.R9S5227 2006 DS135.R9 S5227 2006eb Soviet and Kosher. 1
DS135.R9 S67 1968 Ṭeg fun tsorn : khroniḳ fun Yidishe laydn in Rumenye in di yorn 1939-1944 = Days of anger : the chronicle of Jewish suffering in Roumania in the years 1937 to 1944 / 1
DS135.R9 S723 1970z Soviet Jews : fact and fiction. 1
DS135.R9 S77 1983 Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews : the transformation of Jewish society in Russia, 1825-1855 / 2
DS135.R9 S885 2024 Russian pogroms and Jewish revolution, 1905 : class, ethnicity, autocracy in the first Russian Revolution / 1
DS135.R9 T25 1935 The decay of czarism : the Beiliss trial, a contribution to the history of the political reaction during the last years of Russian czarism. Based on unpublished materials in the Russian archives / 1
DS135.R9 T253 The decay of czarism : the Beiliss trial, a contribution to the history of the political reaction during the last years of Russian czarism. Based on unpublished materials in the Russian archives / 1
DS135.R9 T65 2012 Evreĭskiĭ vopros v Rossii : O zhizni evreev v Rossii ; Antisemitizm v Rossii / 1