Call Number (LC) Title Results
DL705.O8 A2 1907 Rikskansleren Axel Oxenstiernas brefväxling och öfriga i riksarkivet förvarade handlingar / 1
DL705.O8 F56 2007 Axel Oxenstierna : Architekt der schwedischen Grossmacht-Ära und Sieger des Dreissigjährigen Krieges / 1
DL705.O8 G6 1971 Die Politik des schwedischen Reichskanzlers Axel Oxenstierna gegenüber Kaiser und Reich. 1
DL705.O8 W475 2010 Axel Oxenstierna : makten och klokskapen / 1
DL705.08 L55 1870a Rikskansleren Axel Oxenstjernas fredsunderhandlingar i Tyskland, 1634-1636 : historisk afhandling, som, jämte theser i modersmålet, med tillstånd af Högvördiga Domkapitlet i Växjö ; kommer att offentligen försvaras / 1
DL706 .A34 Gustave Adolf, the great / 1
DL706 .C46 The history of Gustavus Adolphus and of the thirty years' war : up to the king's death; with some account of its conclusion by the peace of Westphalia anno 1648 / 1
DL706 .E54 2013 Die Verwüstung : eine Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges / 1
DL706 .G54 1631 The new starre of the north, shining vpon the victorious King of Suueden 1
DL706 .G54 1632 The new starr of the north, shining vpon the victorious King of Sweden 1
DL706 .R63 2013 Gustavas Adolphus 1
DL706 .R75 Gustavus Adolphus : a history of Sweden, 1611-1631. 1
DL706 .R76 Gustavus Adolphus and the rise of Sweden. 1
DL706 .R76 1992 Gustavus Adolphus / 1
DL710 .T78 A true relation, of the happy peace concluded by the two mighty princes, Christian the Fourth, King of Denmarke, and Norway: Duke of Holsten, Sleswych and Mechelmburgh &c. and Johannis [i.e. Gustavus Adolphus] King of Sweden and Finland, &c. By the perswasions of our most gracious soueraigne, Iames by the grace of God king of great Brittaine, France, and Ireland &c. The 13. of Ianuary last. 1613. First printed at Coppenhage, and after at Mamburgh: / 1
DL712 (INTERNET) The vvarres of Svvethland With the ground and originall of the said vvarres, begun and continued betwixt Sigismond King of Poland, and Duke Charles his vnkle, lately crowned King of Swethland. As also the state and condition of that kingdome, as it standeth to this day. 1
DL713 .L63 2004 Sweden in the seventeenth century / 1
DL717 .S7512 Christina, Queen of Sweden : a personality in European civilisation. The Council of Europe's 11th exhibition [June 29-Oct. 16, 1966 / 1
DL717 .S9 1653 A declaration of her sacred Majestie of Sweden, concerning the setling of convoys about Gothemburg. Given at Stockholm the 16th of August, 1653. 1
DL719 .A44 1991 Queen Christina of Sweden and her circle : the transformation of a seventeenth-century philosophical libertine / 1