Call Number (LC) Title Results
DH 184 .O7 Mária II. Lajos magyar király neje (1505-1558) / 1
DH185 .A36 1602 An admonition published by the Generall States of the Netherlandish Vnited Prouinces, vnto the states, and citties their aduersaries touching his now intended proceedings, against the Spaniards and their adherents : whereunto is annexed a caueat, or proclamation, to the Vnited Netherlandish Prouinces / 1
DH185 .A64 A copie of a lettre written by an English gentleman, out of the campe of the lovv co[n]treys, vnto the reuerend, master doctor Allain, tovvching the act of rendring the tovvne of Deuenter and other places, vnto the Cathol. king: and his ansvverre and resolution vnto the same. 1
DH185 .C47 1574 Certayne newes of the whole discription, ayde, and helpe of the Christian princes and nobles the vvhich for the comfort and deliueraunce of the poore Christians in the Low Countries, are gathered together, and are nouue vvith their armies in the fielde : drawen and copied out of a letter, sent vnto vs out of the same campe ... / 1
DH185 .C4713 1583i A tragicall historie of the troubles and ciuile warres of the Lowe Countries, otherwise called Flanders wherein is sett forthe the originall and full proceedyng of the saied troubles and ciuile warres, with all the stratagemes, sieges, forceble takynges, and manlike defenses, of diuers and sondrie cities, tounes, and fortresses of the same : together the barbarous crueltie and tyrannie of the Spaniard and trecherous Hispaniolized Wallons, & others of the saied Lowe Countreis, and there withall the estate and cause of religion, especially from the yere 1559 unto the yere 1581 : besides many letters, commissions, contractes of peace, unions, articles and agrementes, published and proclaimed in the saied prouinces / 1
DH185 .D6 Documents concernant le recrutement de la haute magistrature dans les Pays-Bas sous le régime espagnol, 1555-1700 / 1
DH185 .D637 Documents concernant le recrutement de la haute magistrature dans les Pays-Bas sous le régime espagnol, 1555-1700 / 1
DH185 .D88 1993 The Dutch revolt / 1
DH185 .D88 1993eb The Dutch revolt / 1
DH185 (INTERNET) A true report of the seruice done vpon certaine gallies passing through the narrow seas written to the Lord high Admirall of England /
A iustification or cleering of the Prince of Orendge agaynst the false sclaunders, wherewith his ilwillers goe about to charge him wrongfully
The commentaries of Sr. Francis Vere being diverse pieces of service, wherein he had command /
DH185 .K67 Texts concerning the revolt of the Netherlands /
Texts Concerning the Revolt of the Netherlands /
DH185 .M47 Commentarien ofte memorien van-den Nederlandtschen staet, handel, oorloghen ende gheschiedenissen van onsen tyden, etc. mede vervattende eenige haerder ghebueren handelinghen / 1
DH185 .N48 1604 Newes from Flanders and Ostend a true declaration how the Lords States of the Vnited Prouinces, vnder the conduct of His Excellencie, haue set forth a princelike nauie of ships from Zeland, the 15. day of April 1604, which went to the island of Casant, where the foresayd Lords States haue taken in the sconce of Coxie, S. Catherine, S. Philip, and Isendiick, with other small sconces and holds / 1
DH185 .W44 1577 The Aduise and answer of my lord ye Prince of Orenge, cou[n]tie Nassau &c. and of ye states of Holland and Zeland, made by the Estates Generall on thisside [sic], vpon the articles conceiued and and [sic] after concluded and accorded in fourm of a pertuall [sic] edict between Lord Don Iohn Duke of Austrich, knight of the Order of the Golde[n] Fleece of the part and in the name of the Catholick king of Spaine of the one partie, and the said Generall Estates of the other. 1
DH185 .W5 1581 The apologie or defence of the most noble Prince William, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange ... against the proclamation and edict, published by the King of Spaine, by which he proscribeth the saide lorde prince, whereby shall appeare the sclaunders and false accusations conteined in the said proscription, which is annexed to the end of this apologie / 1
DH185 .W53 1969 The apologie of prince William of Orange against the proclamation of the king of Spaine / 1
DH186 Dissident identities in the early modern Low Countries / 1
DH186 .A9 Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de Hollande et des autres provinces-unies, où l'on verra les veritables causes des divisions qui sont depuis soixante ans dans cette république, & qui la menacent de ruine. 1
DH186 .B46 The history of the wars of Flanders
The history of the warrs of Flanders
DH186 .E94 1997 Exercise of arms : warfare in the Netherlands, 1568-1648 / 1