Call Number (LC) Title Results
DC110 .S34 2011 Modern France : a very short introduction / 1
DC110 .S76 2015 Transnational France : the modern history of a universal nation / 1
DC110 .S76 2022 Transnational France : the modern history of a universal nation / 1
DC110 .S936 2017 Exile, imprisonment, or death : the politics of disgrace in Bourbon France, 1610-1789 / 1
DC110 .T5 Modern France : a companion to French studies / 1
DC110 .T6316 1991 The making of modern France : ideology, politics and culture / 1
DC110 .W7 France in modern times: 1760 to the present. 1
DC110 .W7 1962 France in modern times : 1760 to the present / 1
DC110 .W7 1974 France in modern times : from the Enlightenment to the present / 1
DC110 .W7 1981 France in modern times : from the Enlightenment to the present / 1
DC110 .W73 1981 Insiders and outliers : the individual in history / 1
DC111 Pierre de L'Estoile and his world in the wars of religion /
Peace and Authority During the French Religious Wars c.1560-1600 /
DC111.A2 Les ordonnances de l'hôtel des ducs de Bourgogne. 1
DC111.A2 A77 1574 Articles conteining the request presented to the French Kyng by the deputies of the reformed churches of the cou[n]trey of Languedoc and other places adioyning, assembled by His Maiesties commaundement also an other request to him presented by the persons of the third estate of the cou[n]trey of Prouence, vvith His Maiesties answere to the sayd requests : also an aunswere of the Lord Lodouic Counte of Nassau to the aduertisements giuen him from the Kyng / 1
DC111.A2 A77 1588 Declaration de Monsieur de la Noue, sur sa prise des armes, pour la iuste defence des villes de Sedan & Iametz, frontieres du royaume de France & soubz la protection de sa majesté 1
DC111.A2 A77 1589 Discours sur la declaration faicte par le Sieur de la Noue 1
DC111.A2 F74 1997 The French wars of religion : selected documents / 1
DC111.A2 M66 1575 A declaration of the protestation of Monseigneur the Mareschal d'Anuille 1
DC111.A2 R33 2003 Le verbe et le chaos : les harangues d'Ennemond Rabot d'Illins, premier président du parlement de Dauphiné, 1585-1595 / 1
DC111.A3 (INTERNET) Nevves from Sir Roger Williams VVith a discourse printed at Rheines [sic] containing the most happie victorie, lately obtained by the Prince de Conty, lieutenant generall ouer the kinges forces, in Aniou, touraine, Maine, Poictu, Berry, Blaysois, Vendomois, Dunois, high and lower Limosin, and Perche, against the rebellious leaguers, enemies to his Maiestie. VVhereunto is annexed the order or agreement of the Court of Parliament, held in Normandy at sundry times, and now lastly confirmed the eighteenth of August, to the vtter abolishing of the Popes authoritie, the taking away of his reuenewes, and the burning of his bulles.
The three partes of commentaries containing the whole and perfect discourse of the ciuill warres of Fraunce, vnder the raignes of Henry the Second, Frances the Second, and of Charles the Ninth : with an addition of the cruell murther of the Admirall Chastilion, and diuers other nobles, committed the 24 daye of August, anno 1572 /