Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA943 .M87 2012eb Ireland and the war at sea, 1641-1653 / 1
DA943 .N4 1642a Newes from the west of Ireland: Relating what hapned to Captain Weldon and Captain Aston after their passage from Bristol to the Fort of Duncannon in the mouth of the river of Waterford, with many particular enterprises performed against the rebels in those parts to the terrour of our enemies, the glory of God, and the honour of all brave English commanders. : With a letter sent from the maior of Waterford to Captain Aston in excuse of his rebellious designes, with Captain Astons sharpe and worthy reply sent in a letter to the said maior. / 1
DA943 .N48 Newes out of Ireland to which is added a catalogue of the names of the Lords that subscribed to levie horse to assist His Majesty in defence of his royall person, the two houses of Parliament, and the Protestant religion. 2
DA943 .O53 The petition of Sir Philomy Oneale, Knight generall of the rebels in Ireland, and of the lords, nobilitie and commanders of the army of the Catholikes in that kingdome : presented to the right honourable the Lords and Commons now assembled in the high court of Parliament.
The decleration [sic] of Ovven O Neill
DA943 .O67 1999 Confederate Ireland, 1642-1649 : a constitutional and political analysis / 1
DA943 .O7 1647 Articles of agreement, made, concluded, and agreed on, at Dublin, the eighteenth day of June, 1647. 1
DA943 .O75 1682 A letter from His Grace James, Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in answer to the Right Honourable Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, Lord Privy-Seal, his observations and reflections upon the Earl of Castlehaven's Memoires concerning the rebellion of Ireland printed from the original, with an answer to it by the Right Honourable the Earl of Anglesey.
A letter from His Grace James, Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in answer to the Right Honourable Arthur, Earl of Anglesey, Lord Privy-Seal, his observations and reflections upon the Earl of Castlehaven's Memoires concerning the rebellion of Ireland : printed from the original, with an answer to it by the Right Honourable the Earl of Anglesey.
DA943 .O76 1682 A letter from his Grace James Duke of Ormond, in answer to the Earl of Anglesies observations and reflections upon the Earl of Castlehaven's memories concerning the wars of Ireland. 1
DA943 .P37 Two famous battels fought in Ireland: wherin the Protestants under the command of the Earle of Ormond, Sr. Charles Coote, and Sr. Simon Harcourt, slew great numbers of the rebels, routing them from one town to another, and took divers prisoners to their great joy and comfort. / 1
DA943 .P42 Gods providence to the distressed Protestants in Ireland, or, The last proceedings in the province of Mvnster 2
DA943 .P46 1994eb The outbreak of the Irish Rebellion of 1641 / 2
DA943 .P47 A Perfect copy of a letter sent from Dublin relating the true condition of Ireland as it now stands with two proclamations published by the states there : brought over by the last post January 18, 1642. 2
DA943 .P47 1994 The outbreak of the Irish Rebellion of 1641 / 1
DA943.P5 S9 1681 [The subjection of all] tr[aytors, rebels,] as well peers, as commons in Ireland to the laws, statutes, and tryals by juries of good and lawful men of England, in the King's Bench at Westminster, for treasons perpetrated by them in Ireland, or any forreign country out of the realm of England being an argument at law made in the Court of King's Bench, Hill. 20. Caroli Regis, in the case of Connor Magwire ... (a principal contriver of the last Irish rebellion:) ... wherein are comprised many other particulars, and notable records, relating to the laws, peers, statutes, affairs of Ireland ... / 1
DA943 .P54 A full relation of the taking of Roche Castle together with St. Patricks Cathedral, a place of great strength, wherein were put to the sword seven hundred rebels and many priests and friers : as also the taking in of many other places, all which was performed by the army under the command of the Lord Inchiquin, Lord President of the province of Munster in Ireland / 2
DA943 .P64 1642 A true relation of the taking of Roger Manwering Bishop of St. Davids coming from Ireland in a disguis'd habit, in the ship call'd the Eagle, the 28. of June, 1642 2
DA943 .P68 Good newes from Munster being an exact and true relation of certain passages of intelligence from the province of Munster in Ireland : as of taking of Ballincolly castle near Cork ... / 2
DA943 .P76 The propositions of the Roman Catholicks of Ireland as also the answer of the agents for the Protestants of Ireland made to the said propositions, and their petitions and propositions to His Majesty, and His Majesties answer to the propositions of the said Roman Catholicks, and the answer of James, Marquesse of Ormond, His Majesties Commissioner for the treatie and concluding of a peace in the kingdome of Ireland, to the said propositions. 2
DA943 .P87 1642 Good and true newes from Ireland being the copy of a letter sent from Mr. Rodger Buttock [sic], one of the chief ministers in the city of Dublin, to a brother of his a merchant, living in Alderman-Berrie in London. : Shewing in a true and reall relation, how 400. foot, and 100 horse sent from Dublin, under the command of Sir Charles Coot marched towards Ardes 8: miles from thence, and beat them out of their quarters, defeating the whole army. : Also, how they slew 1100 men at Dundalk, 15, officers, took 4 pieces of ordinance, and great store of good pillage, with the losse of 20. men. / 1
DA943.R43 1642 The rebells letter to the Pope VVherein they present unto him their late purchases by the svvord in Ireland, praying his benediction for their future proceedings. Sent and communicated by an Irish priest unto his friends here in England. 1