Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA461.5 .P47 A sermon preached on the 16th day of April 1696 in the parish church of St. Michael in New-Malton, being the thanksgiving day appointed for the discovery and disappointment of the horrible and barbarous conspiracy &c. / 2
DA461.5 .R4 The arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of Ambrose Rookwood, for the horrid and execrable conspiracy to assassinate His Sacred Majesty King William, in order to a French invasion of this kingdom : who upon full evidence was found guilty of high treason before His Majesty's justices of Oyer and Terminer, at Westminster on Tuesday the 21st of April 1696, and received sentence the day following, and was executed at Tyburn on the 29th day of the said month : in which tryal is contained all the learned arguments of the King's council and likewise the council for the prisoner, upon the new act of Parliament for regulating tryals in cases of treason. 1
DA461.5 R4 Le meurtre condamné, ou, Sermon contre l'horrible conspiration tramée par les papistes & autres traitres, pour assassiner le roi Guillaume III. Sur ces paroles du I liv. de Sam. ch. 26. v. 9 ... / 1
DA461.5 .R62 True copies of the papers which Brigadier Rookwood and Major Lowick delivered to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex at Tyburn April 29, 1696 2
DA461.5 .S36 1696 Proclamation for apprehending Sir George Barclay 1
DA461.5 S36 1696 Association begun to be subscribed at Edinburgh, April 10. 1696. 2
DA461.5 .T3 David and Saul, or, His Majesty's case and his enemies preached on the occasion of the Association / 2
DA461.5 .T7 1696 A true copy of the papers delivered by Mr. Robert Chernock, Mr. Edward King, Mr. Thomas Key, to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex, at Tyburn, the place of execution, March 18th. 1696. Published by authority. 1
DA461.5 .T75 The triumph's of providence over hell, France & Rome in the defeating & discovering of the late hellish and barbarous plott, for assassinating his Royall Majesty King William ye III, lively display'd in all its severall branches. 1
DA461.5 .T78 A True account of the dying behaviour of Ambrose Rookwood, Charles Cranburne, and Major Lowick who were executed at Tyburn for high treason on Wednesday, April 29 : with Mr. Cranburn's speech at the place of execution. 2
DA461.5 .W54 1696 By the King, a proclamation ... issued for the apprehending several persons therein named who ... had entred into a ... conspiracy to assassinate and murder Our Royal Person ... (viz.) Sir George Barclay [and others] .. 1
DA462.A2 By the King, a declaration as we cannot consider this invasion of our kingdom by the Prince of Orange without horror, for so unchristian and unnatural an undertaking in a person so nearly related to us; for it is a matter of the greatest trouble and concern to us to reflect upon the many mischiefs and calamities which an army of forreigners and rebells must unavoidably bring upon out people ..
[Sir John Friend and Sir William Perkins last farwell to the world, who were executed at Tyburn on Friday the 3d. of Aprill, 1696, or, Their sor]rowful lamentati[on] for being concerned in this horrid and bloody plot Tune of, 'Twas within a furlong of Edenborough town.
A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God, for His Majesties safe return, and for the happy and honourable peace, of which God has made him the glorious instrument to be used on Sunday the twelfth day of December next in the city and suburbs of Dublin, and on Sunday the nineteenth day of December next, throughout the whole kingdom : by order of the Lords Justices.
A full and true account of a new & horrid conspiracy against His Majesty & present government with the manner of its discovery, and the appresion of several of the conspirators, whose names are incerted in the following relation : Lycens'd according to order.
William III /
The association for King William design'd, or, An entire loyalty to His present Majesty by satisfaction given to those that are still for King James, in regard to their most concientious scruple, and scandal taken, promoted.
William III the Stadholder-king : a political biography /
DA462.A2 1696 Cantique spirituel; et d'action de grace, sur l'horrible conspiration dont Dieu a delivré le Roy Guillaume sur le chant des Commandemens / 1
DA462.A2 A22 1697 An Account of His most excellent Majesty's splendid reception into the famous city of London together with his royal entertainment in and through the said city, on Tuesday the 16th of this instant November, 1697. 1
DA462.A2 A23 1689 An account of the proclaiming the King and Queen 1
DA462.A2 A3 1691 An Account of the magnificent publick entry which His Majesty of Great Britain made into the Hague on the 5th of February, s.n. 2
DA462.A2 .A94 Gulielmus pacificus, sive, Oration de pace felicissimus Gulielmi III auspiciis regnis Britannicis totique propemodum Europæ restituta habita coram academia Cantabrigiensi in templo Beatæ Mariæ stativâ solennis gratulationis Feriâ IV non. Decemb. anno MDCXCVII / 2
DA462.A2 C52 Character Sir, in answer to your last, wherein you desire me to give a character of our Prince, I shall, as well as I can, satisfie you. 2
DA462.A2C55 2007 William and Mary. 1
DA462.A2 C58 A prayer for the king 2