Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA461.5 .A33 An Account of what passed at the execution of Sir Will. Parkyns and Sir John Friend, at Tyburn on Friday, April 3d., 1696
An Account of a most horrid conspiracy against the life of His Most Sacred Majesty, February the 24th, 1696
DA461.5 .C42 A true copy of the papers delivered by Mr. Rob. Chernocke, Mr. Ed. King, Mr. Th. Key, to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex at Tyburn, the place of execution, March 18th, 1695/6 2
DA461.5 .C584 1696 Neck and all. A sermon preached at Saffron Walden in Essex, April 16, 1696. Upon his Majesties safe deliverance from the late intended assasination. / 1
DA461.5 .C6 1696 A defence of the absolution given to Sr. William Perkins, at the place of execution, April the 3d. 1696. 1
DA461.5 .D39 1698 Two discourses upon the discovery of the late plot, and thanksgiving for the peace: / 1
DA461.5 .E5 1696 By the King a proclamation. William R. Whereas His Majesty hath received information upon oath, that the persons hereinafter named have with divers other wicked and traiterous persons entred into a horrid and detestable conspiracy, to assassinate and murder his Majesties sacred person .. 1
DA461.5 .E53 1696 By the King, a proclamation for a publick thanksgiving 1
DA461.5 .E54 1696 The English Association of the House of Commons. Kensingtoun, April 3. This day Mr. Speaker, with the House of Commons in a body, attended His Majesty, and presented their Association as follows. 1
DA461.5 .E6 By the King, a proclamation 2
DA461.5 .F45 The proceedings against Sir John Fenwick, bar., upon a bill of attainder for high treason / 1
DA461.5 .F45 1697 An account of what pass'd at the execution of Sir John Fenwick, at Tower-Hill, on Thursday, Jan. 28, 1696/7 taken by the permission of the sheriffs. 1
DA461.5 .F47 1696 A dialogue between Sir Roger --- and Mr. Rob. Ferg--- in Newgate, relating to the plot. 1
DA461.5 .F7 The arraignment, tryal, and condemnation of Sir John Friend, Knight, for high treason : in endeavouring to procure forces from France to invade this kingdom and conspiring to levy war in this realm for assisting and abetting and said invasion in order to the deposing of His Sacred Majesty King William, and restoring the late King : at the Sessions-house in the Old Bayly, on Monday, March 23, 1695/6 and perused by the Lord Chief Justice Holt and the King's Council who were present at the tryal. 1
DA461.5 .F7 1696 The French Kings new declaration (being his publick manifesto in vindication of himself and the late King James from being any ways aiding, assisting or privy to the late intended assassination of King William.) / 1
DA461.5 .G34 The triumphs of providence : the assassination plot, 1696 / 1
DA461.5 .G37 A thanksgiving-sermon preached at St. Michaels Crooked-Lane April 16th, 1696, upon occasion of His Majestie's deliverance from the late intended assassination of his sacred person in order to a French invasion / 2
DA461.5 .J38 A summary account of the proceedings upon the happy discovery of the Jacobite conspiracy in a second letter to a Devonshire gentleman. 2
DA461.5 .L5 1696 A list of all those that were committed to the Tower, New-gate, Gate-house, King's-Bench, Marshalsea, Fleet, since the discovery of the horrid conspiracy against the King also some of those in the messengers hands, and some discharged from the places abovesaid. 1
DA461.5 .O27 Observations upon the papers which Mr. Rookwood and Mr. Lowick deliver'd to the sheriffs at the time of their execution, April 29, 1696 together with remarks upon some part of Mr. Cranburn's discourse with the sheriffs at the same time. 2
DA461.5 .P3 The arraignment, tryal and condemnation of Sir William Parkins, knt. for the most horrid and barbarous conspiracy to assassinate His most sacred Majesty King William : And for raising of forces, in order to a rebellion, and encouraging a French invasion into this kingdom : Who was found guilty of high-treason, March 24, 1695/6 at the sessions house in the Old-Bailey : Together with a true copy of the papers delivered by Sir William Parkins, and Sir John Friend. 1