Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA410 .R98 1685 Mercurius Rusticus: or, The countries complaint of the barbarous outrages committed by the sectaries of this late flourishing kingdom. : Together with a brief chronology of the battels, sieges, conflicts, and other most remarkable passages from the beginning of this unnatural war, to the 25th of March, 1646. 1
DA410 .S24 A rout, a rout, or, Some part of the armies quarters beaten up by the day of the Lord stealing upon them wherein is briefly discovered the present cloudy and dark appearance of God amongst them / 2
DA410 .S32 A second letter from the agitators of the army, under the command of his Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, sent unto all the sea-men. / 1
DA410.S36 1648 A true copie of the letter from the Committee and Estates of the Parliament of Scotland; inviting his highnesse the Prince of Wales, to come and remaine in Scotland, or with the Scotch army, now in England. 1
DA410 .S36 1649 Tvvo letters the one to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, the other to Lieutenant General Cromwell, from the Commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland now residing at London. 1
DA410 .S38 Several occvrences that have lately happened at Warwicke, Coventry, Northampton-shire, and Oxfordshire with the manner of the taking of Dudley Castle in Staffordshire and the newes of foure hundred Welchmen that are come thither : as also the relation of 200 cavaliers under the command of Sir John Byron who being beaten at Brachly by the country people are fled to Oxford. 1
DA410 .S4 Severall votes of the Lords and Commons, concerning His Majesties message and propositions. Wherein is declared their intention to proceed against the traitors and rebels of the kingdome. And that the Earle of Essex shall (according to his commission) put the same in execution. 1
DA410.S42 1643 The second intelligence from His Excellency his quarters before Reading bearing date there April 25, wherein is contained an exact relation of Colonell Middletons surprizing the Kings regiment of foot at Dorchester 7 miles from Oxford, wherein they took an hundred horse, slew sixty and took about 50 prisoners ; with the true state of the siege at Reading, how the governour is sorely wounded, and the great want the town is in for want of victuals and ammunition and how Sir William Waller pursues P. Maurice, &c. 1
DA410 .S42 1648 [A second view of the Army remonstrance, or, Justice done to the Armie] [wherein their principles are new model'd, brought out of obscurity into clearer light by which the Army and the whole kingdom[e] are under the conduct of the spirit of God led out of a wildernesse to the view of a Canaan. Dedicated to the Generall, and the Councel of War / 1
DA410 .S42 1680 A seasonable speech made by Alderman Atkins, in the Rump-Parliament. 1
DA410 .S47 A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London contained in a letter from them to the Generall and his councell of warre. : delivered to his Excellency by some of the subscribers, Jan. 18, 1648.
A serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the generall and his councell of warre. /
DA410 .S47 1649 A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgments of ministers of the Gospel within the the province of London contained in a letter from the to the general and his councell of war /
A Serious and faithfull representation of the judgements of ministers of the gospell within the province of London. Contained in a letter from them to the generall and his counsel of warre./
DA410 .S48 Severall informations taken by the deputy lieutenants of Northhampton, the 9th of this present August concerning the cruell murthers and abuses that the troopers use upon such of His Majesties subjects as declare themselves for the King and Parliament.
Severall informations taken by the deputy lieutenants of Northhampton, the 9th of this present August concerning the cruell murthers and abuses that the troopers use upon such of His Majesties subjects as declare themselves for the King and Parliament ..
DA410.S48 1647 Severall articles, or, The heads of a charge delivered in the name of the army under the command of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax to the commissioners of Parliament, now with the Army 1
DA410 .S48 1648 Severall votes and orders of the House of Peeres against Sir John Maynard ( one of the eleven members, impeached of high treason, on Saturday last, when he was brought to the barre, to answer to his charge. With his plea, and refusall to be tryed, and what further order was made therein. Also His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax his conference and promise to the Lord Mayor and aldermen of London, in behalf of the city and whole kingdome, on Friday last, at which time his excellecy and many of his officers dined in London. 1
DA410.S53 1648 The maner of the beheading of Duke Hambleton, the Earl of Holland and the Lord Capell in the Pallace-Yard at Westminster on Friday the 9th of March, 1648, with the substance of their severall speeches upon the scaffold immediately before they were beheaded. 1
DA410 .S56 1648 A short view of the manifest and remonstrance lately published in the name of the county of Kent 1
DA410 .S59 1642 Six matters worthy of note 2
DA410.S65 1642 Some late occvrrences in Shrop-shire and Devon-shire dated, September the last. 1
DA410 .S66 A letter sent by the commissioners of the kingdome of Scotland, to the speakers of both Houses of Parliament, for His Majesties coming to London, to treat with the Houses about the propositions for peace as also a petition of the inhabitants of the city of London, and of severall counties and corporations, in conformity to that letter. 2