Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA356 .H8 The Queen's wards : wardship and marriage under Elizabeth I. 1
DA356 .H92 1898 The courtships of Queen Elizabeth : a history of the various negotiations for her marriage / 1
DA356 .H92 1904 The courtships of Queen Elizabeth : a history of the various negotiations for her marriage / 1
DA356 .H96 Treason and plot : struggles for Catholic supremacy in the last years of Queen Elizabeth / 1
DA356 .H96 1908 Treason and plot : struggles for Catholic supremacy in the last years of Queen Elizabeth / 1
DA356 .I63 2019 The image of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Spain / 1
DA356 (INTERNET) The compleat ambassador, or, Two treaties of the intended marriage of Qu. Elizabeth of glorious memory comprised in letters of negotiation of Sir Francis Walsingham, her resident in France : together with the answers of the Lord Burleigh, the Earl of Leicester, Sir Tho. Smith, and others : wherein, as in a clear mirror, may be seen the faces of the two courts of England and France ... /
A briefe declaratio[n] of the shews, deuices, speeches, and inuentions, done & performed before the Queenes Maiestie, & the French ambassadours, at the most valiaunt and worthye triumph, attempted and executed on the Munday and Tuesday in VVhitson weeke last, anno 1581
Elizabetha triumphans Conteyning the dammed practizes, that the diuelish popes of Rome haue vsed euer sithence her Highnesse first comming to the Crowne, by mouing her wicked and traiterous subjects to rebellion and conspiracies, thereby to bereaue her Maiestie both of her lawfull seate, and happy life. : VVith a declaration of the manner how her excellency was entertained by her souldyers into her campe royall at Tilbery in Essex ... /
By the Quene The Quenes Maiestie, hauinge sundry complayntes made to her.
Atropoïon Delion, or, The death of Delia with the teares of her funerall. A poeticall excusiue discourse of our late Eliza /
The Jesuit's memorial for the intended reformation of England under their first popish prince published from the copy that was presented to the late King James II : /
A pensiue soules delight, or, The deuout mans helpe consisting of motiues, meditations and prayers, for all persons and purposes, vpon what occasion so euer, either priuate or publike. /
Polimanteia, or, The meanes lawfull and vnlawfull, to iudge of the fall of a common-wealth, against the friuolous and foolish coniectures of this age whereunto is added, a letter from England to her three daughters, Cambridge, Oxford, Innes of Court, and to all the rest of her inhabitants, perswading them to a constant vnitie of what religion soever they are, for the defence of our dread soveraigne, and natiue cuntry, most requisite for this time wherein wee now live.
DA356 .J66 2020 Being Elizabethan : understanding Shakespeare's neighbors / 1
DA356 .K47 2007 The Northern Rebellion of 1569 : faith, politics, and protest in Elizabethan England / 1
DA356 .K47 2007eb The Northern Rebellion of 1569 faith, politics and protest in Elizabethan England / 1
DA356 .L35 2016 Bad Queen Bess? : libels, secret histories, and the politics of publicity in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I / 1
DA356 .L4 A historical sketch of the conflicts between Jesuits and seculars in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : with a reprint of Christopher Bagshaw's ʻTrue relation of the faction begun at Wisbichʼ; and illustrative documents / 1
DA356 .L44 2005 Elizabethan triumphal processions / 1
DA356 .L48 2013eb The heart and stomach of a king : Elizabeth I and the politics of sex and power / 2
DA356 .L57 [List of the participants in the Babington Plot] 1
DA356 .L574 The early Elizabethan succession question, 1558-1568. 1
DA356 .L6 Elizabethan government and society : essays presented to Sir John Neale / 1
DA356 .M25 1967 Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. 1
DA356 .M25 1967b Papists and Puritans under Elizabeth I. 1
DA356 .M28 2016 Elizabethan Espionage : Plotters and Spies in the Struggle Between Catholicism and the Crown / 1