Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA355 .H34 1939 | The Elizabethan journals : being a record of those things most talked of during the years 1591-1603 / | 1 |
DA355 .H34 1955 | The Elizabethan journals : being a record of those things most talked of during the years 1591-1603. Comprising An Elizabethan journal, 1591- 4, A second Elizabethan journal, 1595-8, A last Elizabethan journal, 1599-1603. | 1 |
DA355 .H35 1999eb | A Second Jacobean Journal / | 1 |
DA355 .H35 2013eb | Elizabeth I / | 1 |
DA355 .H354 2013eb | Elizabeth I / | 1 |
DA355 .H37 | Elizabethan England / | 1 |
DA355 .H53 1991 | The virgin queen : Elizabeth I, genius of the Golden Age / | 1 |
DA355 .H55 2014 | Elizabeth I : Renaissance prince : a biography / | 1 |
DA355 .H6 1930 | The monstrous regiment / | 1 |
DA355 .H85 | The Cambridge connection and the Elizabethan settlement of 1559 / | 1 |
DA355 .H86 2003 | Elizabeth I : ruler and legend / | 2 |
DA355 .H9 1908 | Two English queens and Philip. | 1 |
DA355 .H92 1896 | The year after the Armada : and other historical studies. | 1 |
DA355 .H95 | Elizabeth I and the unity of England. | 1 |
Annales the true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth Queene of England France and Ireland &c. True faith's defendresse of diuine renowne and happy memory. Wherein all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne ... are exactly described. The trimming of Thomas Nashe Gentleman, by the high-tituled patron Don Richardo de Medico campo, barber chirurgion to Trinitie Colledge in Cambridge The history of the glorious life, reign, and death of the illustrious Queen Elizabeth containing an account by what means the Reformation was promoted and established, and what obstructions it met with, the assistance she gave to all Protestants abroad, the several attempts of the papists upon her life, the excommunications of Rome, Bishop Jewel's challenge to the papists, the several victories she gained, and more particularly that in 1588 ... / A letter sent by F.A. touchyng the proceedings in a priuate quarell and vnkindnesse betweene Arthur Hall, and Melchisedech Mallerie gentleman, to his very friende L.B. being in Italie. VVith an admonition to the father of F.A. to him being a burgesse of the Parliament, for his better behauiour therein. The Character of Queen Elizabeth, or, A full and clear account of her policies, and the methods of her government both in church and state her virtue and defects, together with the characters of her principal ministers of state, and the greatest part of the affairs and events that happened in her times / A proclamacion declaryng the Quenes Maiesties purpose, to kepe peace with Fraunce and Scotlande, and to prouyde for the suretie of hir kyngdomes The passage of our most drad Soueraigne Lady Quene Elyzabeth through the citie of London to westminster the daye before her coronacion Anno 1558. Cum priuilegio. A true report of the most gratious and mercifull message of hir most excellent Maiestie A breefe and true reporte, of the execution of certaine traytours at Tiborne, the xxviii. and xxx. dayes of Maye. 1582 By the Quene Where as the Quenes maiestie, hath in his present laste session of parliament [...] to repeale sondrye actes of parliament made in the time of the late Queene her maisties sister, and to reuyue and make good certaine other necessarie and godly lawes [...] amongst the whiche one godlye acte there is reuiued : entituled an acte against such persons as shal vnreuerently speake against the Sacrament of the bodie and bloude of Christ [...] The briefe content of certayne actes of Parliament, agaynst thinordinate vse of apparell By the Quene The Quenes most excellent Maiestie, wylleth all persons to vnderstande, that lyke as for maintenaunce of her realme, and the tytles and ryghtes therof, she hath continued in warre hytherto with the French Kyng. Historical memoires on the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James Gods vniuersal right proclaimed A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the 27. of March 1603. being the next Sunday after her Maiesties departure / The journals of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth both of the House of Lords and House of Commons / Fragmenta regalia, or, Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her times and favorits A commemoration of the most prosperous and peaceable raigne of our gratious and deere soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, Fraunce and Irelande, Queene &c Now newly set foorth this. xvii. day of Nouember, beyng the first day of the. xviii. yeere of her Maiesties sayd raigne / An oration conteyning an expostulation as well with the Queenes Highnesse faithfull subiects for their want of due consideration of Gods blessings enioyed by meanes of her Maiestie : as also with the vnnaturall english for their disloyaltie and vnkindnesse towards the same their soueraygne : At the first pronounced vpon the Queenes Maiesties birthday in the Guyldhall of the burrowe of Newe Windsore / A true and plaine declaration of the horrible treasons, practised by William Parry the traitor, against the Queenes Maiestie The maner of his arraignment, conuiction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to diuers purposes, for the proofes of his treasons : Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, containing a short collection of his birth, education and course of life : Moreouer, a fewe obseruations gathered of his owne wordes and wrytings, for the farther manifestation of his most disloyal, deuilish and desperate purpose. The Queenes visiting of the campe at Tilsburie with her entertainment there to the tune of Wilsons wilde In mortem serenissimæ Reginæ Elizabethæ Nænia consolans. Queene Elizabeth, paraleld in her princely vertues, with Dauid, Iosua, and Hezekia 1 with Dauid her afflictions, to build the Church : 2 with Iosua in her puissance, to protect the Church· : 3 with Hezechia in her pietie, to reforme the Chureh [sic] : in three sermons, as they were preached three seuerall Queenes dayes / A sight of the Portugall pearle that is, the aunsvvere of D. Haddon maister of the requests vnto our soueraigne lady Elizabeth by the grace of God quene of England Fraunce and Irelande, defendour of the faith. &c. against the epistle of Hieronimus Osorius a Portugall, entitled Pearle for a Prince / The new arival of the three gracis, into Anglia lamenting the abusis of this present age. Englands mourning garment worne heere by plaine shepheards, in memorie of their sacred mistresse, Elizabeth; queene of vertue while she liued, and theame of sorrow being dead. To the which is added the true manner of her emperiall funerall. With many new additions, being now againe the second time reprinted, which was omitted in the first impression. After which followeth the shepheards spring-song, for entertainment of King Iames our most potent soueraigne. A pensiue soules delight The contents whereof, is shewen in these verses following. I. The pensiue soule recounteth in this place, Elizaes troubles, and Elizaes grace. 2. Here are expressed the stratagems of foes, Elizaes conquests, and their falls that rose. 3. Here is set forth Elizaes lenitie, and locust-Catholickes superbitie. / The discouerie of a gaping gulf vvhereinto England is like to be swallovved by another French mariage, if the Lord forbid not the banes, by letting her Maiestie see the sin and punishment thereof A true discourse of all the sallyes which the soldiers of the citie of Graue haue made since the siedge and in what manner the admirant, with a great hoast of horse and foote, with dyuers waggons laden with ladders, powder, shot, and other necessaries of reliefe, came to relieue the citye, the 22. of August, stilo nouo in the night: but was (by Gods Prouidence, and his Excellencyes valour) driuen backe, and forced (in the night) to fire his owne tents, and to take a shamefull flight / |
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DA355 .J4 | Elizabeth the Great. | 1 |
DA355 .J4 1958 | Elizabeth the Great. | 1 |
DA355 .J6 | Elizabeth I : a biography. | 1 |
DA355 .J6 1974b | Elizabeth I : a study in power and intellect. | 1 |
DA355 .J65 1993 | The birth of the Elizabethan Age : England in the 1560s / | 1 |